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  1. Stonecat

    EoD Softcore Ascension Script

    Many thanks Zen! You are a scholar and a gentleman.
  2. Stonecat

    EoD Softcore Ascension Script

    I should have thought of that. Thanks!
  3. Stonecat

    EoD Softcore Ascension Script

    FYI, the new store revamp has apparently made it impossible for the script to buy stuff from NPCs.
  4. Stonecat

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Hey guys, a really basic question. What level should I be when I run this script? I did one basement run years ago and I think I clovered up to level 25 or so before starting my run. Is that still necessary? Thanks!
  5. Stonecat

    EoD Softcore Ascension Script

  6. Stonecat

    EoD Softcore Ascension Script

    I'm trying the script with the new 2015 challenge path, which disallows access to pre-2013 content. This cuts off several of the familiars the scripts uses - is there a way to select one familiar for a 100% run as a way around this? In my _prefs file I changed "singleFamiliarRun" to true, but...
  7. Stonecat

    EoD Softcore Ascension Script

    Ah, I figured it out. I had to manually accept the quest from the guild.
  8. Stonecat

    EoD Softcore Ascension Script

    When I ran the script, I first got the message "fizzy invigorating tonic is not implemented" and the script stopped. So I filled up my MP by buying tonic from Doc Galactic. Then when I ran the script again, it keeps trying to adventure in the Spooky Forest but says "nothing more to do here" and...
  9. Stonecat

    auto BHH and friends

    thanks! works perfectly now.
  10. Stonecat

    auto BHH and friends

    any idea why I get "Bad location value: "Knob Goblin Treasury" (bounty.ash, line 96)" when I try and run this?
  11. Stonecat

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    thanks guys. I downloaded the *actual* latest build and everything worked fine.
  12. Stonecat

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    I should also point out that mafia gets hung up in the same way when I choose Tools -> Store Manager. I get "Requesting store inventory..." and then infinity/nothing.
  13. Stonecat

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    I'm using the latest version of Mafia, v. 15.3 and the latest snapshot script, v. 2.4. I finished my run and tried it again in aftercore, but it keeps getting hung up on "Requesting store inventory...". So I deleted mafia and the script, downloaded and re-installed everything fresh this morning...
  14. Stonecat

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    FYI, the script keeps getting hung up while requesting store inventory. Could be because I'm in a bugbear invasion ascension. This has been happening for 2 days now.