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    missingManuel.ash - Yet Another Manuel Script!

    Thank you, sir! Worked like a charm! ~Aramada
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    missingManuel.ash - Yet Another Manuel Script!

    Yeah, I'm still seeing "Bad monster value: "Rene C. Corman" (missingManuel.ash, line 115, char 392 to char 408)" as well. Is there something we need to do on our end...force a refresh or something like that? p.s. Thank you keeping this script up, Veracity. It's a HUGE time saver!!! ~Aramada
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    Perfect! Thank you Xande, that was exactly the info I was looking for! Much appreciated!!! ~Aramada
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    Is there a way for us to add effects that we want the relay to ignore? Like, right now, it shows Yeg's Blessing as the best effect for +Stats. But Yeg's Blessing isn't wishable, and there's no way I can see to tell it "Let me see the next best one." So I was wondering if there was a way for...
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    ... ... ... Oh fuckin' hell. Thank you Veracity. For that, and for all you do for KOL Mafia. ~Aramada
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    Veracity, I still seem to be having issues. I downloaded bastille.ash from post #15 here, put it in my Relay folder, am using Daily Build 20162, but when I /use Bastille from the Relay chat window, I get: Function 'my_path_id()' overrides a library function. (bastille.ash, line 2246)...
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    Thank you!! ~Aramada
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    I've managed to bork something and I have no idea how to fix it. When I run Briefcase -> Drinks, it gets this far and throws an error message: Assuming script timeout, executing... Briefcase v2.1.8 status: Clicks used: 0 (22? remaining) Dials: 322-222 Horizontal lights...
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    Outstanding! This will be incredibly helpful. Thanks! ~Aramada
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    Cool! Is this like your FantasyRealm script, where the script chooses the appropriate outfit and attack for you, or do we need to have a specifically named outfit saved, or a specific auto-attack set? ~Aramada
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    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    So, I am using the latest build, and I go to log in today and a pop up says (something to the effect of) "We have no data for TCRS for Seal Clubber/Packrat. Would you like to will take a little time, but you only have to do it once." and I'm all "Sure, why not" and click Yes...
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    Bug - Fixed Daily Builds seem to be down again

    Thank you! It would have never occurred to me to look in the Scripting Discussions section...and "Build Server" didn't even register in my brain as related. I know Fewyn reads this forum, and I have no doubt others have PM'd him, so I'll just leave this here and take it as read that the...
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    Bug - Fixed Daily Builds seem to be down again

    I'm sorry, what other threads? I checked this forum before I posted, and didn't see anything that looked relevant to the Daily Builds. If there is another place I should be looking, please feel free to point me in that direction! ~Aramada
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    Bug - Fixed Daily Builds seem to be down again is resulting in a 404. Clicking on "Daily Builds" at the top of this page simply redirects to the front page for the Forums. ~Aramada
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    Bug - Fixed Daily Builds Not Accessible Currently

    Awesome, thank you Fewyn! ~Aramada
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    Bug - Fixed Daily Builds Not Accessible Currently currently gets you a 404 response. At the top of the page, there are buttons for "Forum", "What's New?", "Wiki", and "Daily Builds". The first three work, the last one does nothing. Help? ~Aramada
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    Veracity's Garden Harvester

    Ah! Didn't realize capitalization matters. And oh, duh, yeah, it would be in the scripts folder wouldn't it? ::facepalm:: Thank you again Veracity! ~Aramada
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    Veracity's Garden Harvester

    Please forgive my need to have things spelled out. So, if I understood correctly need to put in my CLI the following (because those are the settings I would like it to have): set vgh.gardencrops=15 cornucopias|3 beer labels|frost flower|peppermint sprout|pumpkin|skeleton|tall grass and then...
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    raidlog override a la Dr. Evi1

    This was a wonderful find, as my browser has just flat out stopped recognizing Dr. Evil's Greasemonkey script. Just wanted to check...does it *not* have a visualization for the Slime Tube, or am I just missing something? ~Aramada
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    Veracity's Garden Harvester

    Awesome, thank you Veracity! I actually have all of the gardens (go, go completionism!) As someone who crashed Friday night at 6:30pm, and woke up at 10am Saturday morning, I feel ya on the tired front and hope you got some very restful and restorative sleep! ~Aramada