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  1. Mitchd

    Install deletes all of my: scripts, moods, aliases, goodness knows what else?

    Spookier than that... I had notepad++ open with the three main script files I use (just QoL stuff, extended `morning`, etc.), and notepad++ said 'This file is no longer on disk, discard from editor?'. Nooooooo!!!! I yelled. So I managed to save the files (about 6 months of fiddling that I'm glad...
  2. Mitchd

    Install deletes all of my: scripts, moods, aliases, goodness knows what else?

    So yesterday I downloaded KoLmafia-22.09.26756.exe and clicked it (windows). It said 'cleaning up old installation' or something like that. Seems normal, but no it means I'm destroying everything you've ever done. It churned away for a while and then... when I started Kolmafia it was like a...
  3. Mitchd

    I can't even find mafia to download it

    Kolmafia is a great program. But, it's got perhaps the worst update / download etc. setup I've ever seen. There's too much schrapnel left from the old days. Get rid of Jenkins links, etc. (ie, just leave a link (or redirect) to github from all the old things). Just keep github and the forums...