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  1. C

    To all scripters and non scripters, a flash or java file that will generate ash

    Well I had this thought, that many people lack the knowledge to make scripts, but have an idea as how their script would work. For example I want to eat pasta to gain mp when my fullness is below 5 and my mp is equal to zero. Instead of writing all the booleans and complicated script, I think it...
  2. C

    Script Editors and highlighters

    I use Notepad++, but i have no idea how to make it highlight the commands and other things in a useful way. I tried making a custom language file, but after an hour of work I gave up. Are there any other editors that work well with ash or and language files that will help me with the scripts?
  3. C

    Request: A script randomly picking a place to adventure

    I'm starting to learn scripting in mafia, but I do not know how to make mafia pick advenure place randomly. Could Anybody tell me or do a short script?