Search results

  1. Azrane

    Detect holidays in ASH?

    I've tried searching for a way to do this but haven't been able to find anything. I would like to alter my scripts to detect whether it's a holiday so I can do specific things during said holiday, but I don't know if there's a way to do so. Is there a certain function I could call on? If not...
  2. Azrane

    Buffbot issues

    I've been working on getting my AT up in level enough to run my own buffbot for friends and clannies and the like. After getting it to the point where I can offer buffs that won't break the bank, I set everything up, but I've found a few issues these past few days with the buffbot functionality...
  3. Azrane

    My CLI is really bugging out!

    This morning, I went to run my daily script in Mafia 10.6, but instead of running through like normal, it hit a snag. It changed outfits okay, then it equipped the meat detector using the ASH equip() function, but then aborted saying equip was not a valid namespace function. So I edited my...