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  1. phreddrickk

    Bug Mafia attempts to retrieve yam stinkbomb using mayam calendar when unavailable

    I'm reasonably confident this is a regression from the past few days; my code looks for the least expensive item in a certain list, and if the stuffed yam stinkbomb is only just now registering as the cheapest it must not always have had a retrievePrice of 0. Buying one from the mall seems to...
  2. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed Leprecondo only parses when you visit the URL for the first time, not when you submit a choice. Also, doesn't report handlingChoice?

    I did still have rearrangements left, the pref properly updated when I re-visited the page. Although this is also an issue.
  3. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed Leprecondo only parses when you visit the URL for the first time, not when you submit a choice. Also, doesn't report handlingChoice?

    Here are some snippets from the CLI: Here, neither "use" or directly visiting inv_use.php resulted in handlingChoice returning true, despite displaying the encounter name in the CLI. Maybe this is because it's an escapable choice? But with the autumn-aton, I can get handlingChoice to return...
  4. phreddrickk

    Feature Familiar Tags

    Now that all familiar tags are spaded and are all (or mostly) in mafia I think it's worth revisiting how we want familiar tags to be handled, and now we want non-tag familiar information (e.g., pokefam status, whether it works for the warbear helmet, etc) to be stored too.
  5. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed lastTrainsetConfiguration incorrectly reset during initialization @SketchySolid does this look correct for what you're looking for
  6. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed Trick or Treat causes turns_spent to advance in wrong zones

    Necroing this to share a snippet from a log from a bug report for a script: From this bug report for garbage-collector And also to share this PR: EDIT: merged
  7. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed is_coinmaster_item no longer returning true for Wrecked Generator

    I believe this was on 28334: This was from a buy($coinmaster`Sept-Ember Censer`, toBuy, item);, where the item was throwin' embers and the toBuy was 14. Having poked around at the source code, I suspect that the process went something like this: - CoinMasterRequest.parseBalance is...
  8. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed get_workshed() no longer returning mayo clinic

    Between your test and me logging in just now I'm ready to go ahead and edit this post to FIXED! Thanks! :)
  9. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed get_workshed() no longer returning mayo clinic

    This should contain html of the mayo clinic (I have since logged out so my pwdhash being visible should be fine)
  10. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed get_workshed() no longer returning mayo clinic

    Seems to have started happening today. I checked both on login and after visiting my workshed in the relay browser. Presumably related to the fact that mayo clinic is shop.php. I can no longer check to see if mafia remembers when I actively use the mayo clinic (because I've already used the mayo...
  11. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed Sometimes unable to buy limited items from Underground Fireworks Shop

    For two days in a row, the following lines of code, which for a long time have basically functioned correctly, no longer successfully purchase the item in question: visitUrl("clan_viplounge.php?action=fwshop&whichfloor=2"); buy(1, Item.get("sombrero-mounted sparkler")); I'm able...
  12. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed Sometimes unable to buy limited items from Underground Fireworks Shop

    I'm experiencing this again for reasons I assume but cannot verify are related to the recent changes to coinmaster and shop.php handling
  13. phreddrickk

    Bug lastEncounter parses monsters with certain articles inconsistently

    For monsters with certain articles, lastEncounter strips the article out of the monster name: But for other articles, it fails to do so: It looks like the articles it searches for are basically hardcoded in CombatActionManager.encounterKey: if (key.startsWith("a ")) { key =...
  14. phreddrickk

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    I believe the calculate the universe/numberology one specifically was fixed across two PRs: and But the others are likely still alive and kicking.
  15. phreddrickk

    New Content Toy Cupid Bow Preferences

    Do you have any debug HTML for this? EDIT: the only other familiar-array property I can think of off the dome is _feastedFamiliars, which is delimited by semicolons and uses familiar name strings. So that feels like a good precedent to copy. According to the wiki, there's one message for...
  16. phreddrickk

    Bug retrieve_price bug

    How would a hypothetical create_price behave in this scenario? Would it always return the cost of making it by crafting? Would it return the lower of the cost of crafting it vs mallbuying it? Would it do a third thing? I think this is a good solution; I'm fine doing a difference or division...
  17. phreddrickk

    Bug retrieve_price bug

    Worth noting that if you do this: retrieve_price($item[handful of split pea soup], available_amount($item[handful of split pea soup]) + 1) - retrieve_price($item[handful of split pea soup], available_amount($item[handful of split pea soup])) you get the expected value. But I think in most...
  18. phreddrickk

    Bug retrieve_item and acquire rely on bundles of firewood for campaway items

    If I don't have any sticks of firewood in my inventory, and I type "acquire campfire smoke", mafia goes through the following process: But the stick of firewood is available in the mall for a meager 207 meat! I can see that there's some special casing for the bundle of firewood in...
  19. phreddrickk

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    Collecting from the trashcan should probably be part of breakfast if it isn't yet. It's a GET to place.php?whichplace=serverroom&action=serverroom_trash1