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  1. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    If it is complete, but for some reason autoscend/guide thinks that it is still active it's a prefs issue. Run this in the gCLI if you completed it as a fratboy. If a hippy, change fratboy to hippy. set sidequestJunkyardCompleted = fratboy
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    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    I know why it failed to get keys and that was because of the Patriotic Eagle Screech merge a week ago. A fix was just merged in to correct that. Basically, it would fail to use the Gelatinous Cubeling and so it wouldn't go to the DD. Definitely could be something to do with KoLmafia not telling...
  3. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    Do you know what it was trying to cook? I have a draft PR to pull a range if there is one in storage and the buying function didn't work, but that won't help if it fails when trying to create a specific kind of food because there is no range
  4. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    Seeing as we only call handleOven (the range using function) at D2 initialization, L11 wine bomb making, or trying to get Milk of Magnesium, chances are it was at the very start of D2 or when you tried to make a Milk. I do see where there might be a problem though. We try to buy a range if you...
  5. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    No log parser. When I debug things for autoscend, it is mostly go to the adventure in question and look at our debug/info statements to figure out what is going on. You can share the log however you would like, whether it is just in a post here or you can PM me if you aren't comfortable just...
  6. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    It's working as expected in that it's selecting option 6 from that particular non-combat when you haven't completed the various subzones of the Hidden City. I've actually never run Ed before so not sure about whether that has any changes to the Hidden City portion of the Level 11 quest. It does...
  7. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    If you can find a log with the "can't cook fancy foods" issue, that should be a relatively quick fix. We already have a function to check for/get a range, and that is called a few times during runs so adding that into the consume code for eating shouldn't be terribad. As it is, it is already...
  8. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    Closeting will likely work. For the ML issue, you can, using the relay browser, go to autoscend in the script dropdown menu in the top bar and set auto_MLSafetyLimit to something low.
  9. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    There's a couple of ways to do it. In the relay browser's script drop-down, select autoscend and that will bring up the relay settings page where you can set a lot of settings related to autoscend. Click the link For Extra Settings, towards the top of the page. In the middle of the green...
  10. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    If that is the only one you have, I'd probably set auto_100familiar to be the reassembled blackbird. Autoscend only uses the blackbird as a familiar for the Black Forest and doesn't know about it for anywhere else
  11. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    Do you have a familiar that is undead?
  12. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    For low IOTM/shiny, Actually Ed works well. Standard is always safe because we are have support for most of the in-standard IOTMs. Unrestricted is also fine
  13. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    Yeah, unfortunately autoscend is not great (meaning avoid at all costs) when it comes to Casual runs, which based on the line that says pullXWhenHaveYCasual, I'm assuming this is. Pretty much any other path has at least basic support, some better than others, though for some, like Grey You or a...
  14. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    In auto_util.ash, go the function int cloversAvailable(boolean override) and after the line that says // set override to true to not reserve a clover for the wand of nagamar. add a line that says return 0;. Because it is at the top of the function it will just say there are 0 clovers. What...
  15. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    Either do exactly the post above yours or run git sync autoscend
  16. E

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    WereProfessor is now unrestricted. Something that I have found in my quest to make autoscend support it, the Industrial Fire Extinguisher zone specific skills preferences aren't being recorded as being used, which I only experienced now that it is unrestricted. This is causing an infinite loop...
  17. E

    Bug _lastCombatWon being set to False at Round 1 while still in Combat

    OK. That thread has a link to the Mafia code that detects whether a fight is over and it lead me to some inspiration. Instead of just "Show old form with Combat Action Bar" being unchecked, I also needed to uncheck "Enable Combat Action Bar". So now manual adventures are ugly, but combat no...
  18. E

    Bug _lastCombatWon being set to False at Round 1 while still in Combat

    I wish this was the fix. I already had that unchecked for me. Checking it actually broke Werewolf combat for me in the same way that Professor is, basically Mafia thinking that combat is over after round 0/1, despite the fight only just beginning.
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    Bug _lastCombatWon being set to False at Round 1 while still in Combat

    I am adding support for it. It is pretty janky right now, but does full combat for werewolf no issues, Professor requires Darts and will also use the Cosmic Bowling Ball, otherwise it should try to runaway (doesn't necessarily). My issue is unrelated to autoscend, it just happens to affect it...
  20. E

    Bug _lastCombatWon being set to False at Round 1 while still in Combat

    Lately, we (autoscend) have been getting reports about _lastCombatWon being set to False during round 1, before the user has taken any action. This is causing the post-adventure script to trigger, which may or may not break combat. I experience it consistently during the Professor part of a...