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  1. D

    Feature In Combat queries

    noticed we have will_usually_miss() and will_usuall_dodge() but I was thinking it'd be nice to have more info than a bool. Perhaps expanding these to include some that give the rough percents? Currently, since I want to be able to adjust when I attack beyond the 50% mark, I'm doing it...
  2. D

    Feature - Implemented Days in run

    Currently, we can get the turncount in a run and/or the kol date but it would be handy in some places to know what day of the run you are on. Currently looking at suga/sticker/cone summons, but I'm sure there are a couple other uses. Fairly low priority since: 1) you could check what you have...
  3. D

    Bricko fights

    Ok, in scripting out a fairly speed oriented Day 1 HCNP, I decided to throw in grabbing the BRICKO bulwark. Setting up is simple enough, but then I ran into the snag of running the combat. I'm guessing use() is probably what I want but I could see visit_url() as well (since use only brings up...
  4. D

    Bug - Fixed F'c'le Chatterboxing

    For the Chatterboxing non-combat adventure, the second choice is always (lose hp). This is only true if you don't have a valuable trinket (had 3 from shoring this run which is the only reason I noticed it).