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  1. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    Just freed the king and reran the script, and whatever the problem was, it's gone now. Thank you, whether or not anything actually got changed :) I'll move the skill stuff over to sourceforge.
  2. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    Renaming it to .txt didn't work earlier for some reason. However, copy/pasting it and renaming it did - some weird character somewhere, who knows. (The whole thing is a little long...) Anyhow, thank you! Here it is.
  3. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    I'm trying, but I keep getting an error that it's an invalid file, and I'm unclear why. Can I copy a snippet for you, or is there somewhere else I can put it?
  4. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    I'm still not sure if the drinks with the commas are working. I've had an Earth, Wind and Firewater, and I checked the spelling of the drink both in the file and in my character list. (No Oxford comma :) ) However, it doesn't show up on the sheet. Also, the Tristero seems to have drunk...
  5. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    Gladly: > ashq foreach sk in $skills[] if (have_skill(sk) && !sk.permable) print_html(sk) These appear on my character sheet, but don't have the (HP) designation. The Smile of Mr. A does carry over from ascension to ascension, though... the other six are from this teetotaler DB run. The Smile...
  6. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    Thanks - that's cool! It doesn't seem to know what I'm missing though... > ashq foreach sk in $skills[] if (!have_skill(sk) && sk.permable) print_html(sk) Arse Shoot I'm guessing they're not all Kucolan multis... :)
  7. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    Yeah, got lunge-smack HCP. I can't remember there being another skill, but it's possible there is and I don't know about it.
  8. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    Weird; my apologies. I've attached a fixed version without those quotes. The report about this on sourceforge was me; sorry there. I do have one odd question about permed skills, which may have to do with the script, and may have to do with me being oblivious... As far as I know, I've permed...
  9. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    No problem at all - it's the least I can do :) Attached. I can't figure out what the numbering means - if you need them renumbered, let me know, it's trivial at this point. Thank you!
  10. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    Sorry, not totally familiar with the way this is set up. I'd like to add the happy medium drinks, but where can I download drinks.txt?
  11. F

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    I know this is a very old post - but I came here to suggest this. Have I mentioned this script is awesome?
  12. F

    Chamois - Use it automatically!

    I registered to download it, and now to thank you. :) This is wonderful - takes a lot of the tedium out of the slime tube.