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  1. M

    basic question for relaying

    ooh okay thank you both :)
  2. M

    Reducing server hits while debugging...

    oh yea, well this is semi related since that map that i use to store text is used across scripts Is there any reason why a map defined like that would have values that change in the other imported script? so for clarity, say main script imports scripts 1, 2, ... 5. And say in 1, i have "int...
  3. M

    basic question for relaying

    ah yea, actually i pulled the latest one as of today, stuck it in the same folder as my version 11.3 and tried it ... same thing happened
  4. M

    Reducing server hits while debugging...

    i wrote my own method/function to store html text in a map while my scripts run, with a boolean in case i need a refresh so i take it you would have to replace all load_html calls with visit_url calls after debugging?
  5. M

    basic question for relaying

    so if i do something like: void main() { buffer text = visit_url(); text.insert(text.last_index_of("fighting"), " LET'S SEE IF THIS WORKS"); print("got here"); text.write(); } save that as fight.ash, stick it in relay folder next to my version 11.3 ... then when i use relay browser and...
  6. M

    quest script comments please?

    hi, i've written a little script to check quest progresses. unfortunately, this is only for council quests atm, but that can change ... i was wondering if there were any kind comments ... perhaps on optimization, problems, or other features i could put in ... feel free to use if you'd like...
  7. M


    :P hehe the one i was interested in isn't there ... but good work :)
  8. M

    Error in buffing

    Uh, is there any reason that my character would randomly buff itself with 10000 adventures of leash of linguini while running mafia? the mood says when I run low on leash, cast 1 leash ... is low defined to be under 10000 adventures? thanks ...
  9. M


    is there at least a setting so that my account does not have to buy a bartender-in-the-box each time before creating a drink?
  10. M


    where is the kolmafia preference option that allows you to overdrink without verification? thanks
  11. M

    loading a script from inside a script

    i want to load an ash script from an ash script. it says in the daily builds that the scripts are validated before making sure they work. I'm getting the error that (filename) could not be validated. what does this validation actually check? thanks ;D er ... nvm ... apparently i had dingy...
  12. M

    cyrpt problem

    so my question concerns: void cyrpt() { cli_execute("adventure * defiled nook"); cli_execute("adventure * defiled cranny"); cli_execute("adventure * defiled alcove"); cli_execute("adventure * defiled niche"); } i'm using kolmafia 8.5 and when it finishes each section, i get a "Nothing more...
  13. M


    er sorry for any problems i've created. umm thanks to everybody for suggestions i actually found the script help page quite useful. and i do go back and look for stuff in the manual.
  14. M


    k. well actually my friend and i were in the same clan, so we were going to help run each others account. is there a place with a listing of all the built in commands? I created mine based off of stuff I found looking through other scripts, which were probably created before there were built in...
  15. M


    umm i got stuck on an error. says " '}' Expected at line 49 in file ... " when I try to run through mafia ... could somebody please help me? i've been trying to figure out my problem for the last two days ... oh and any constructive suggestions to my script would be appreciated.