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  1. P


    relay_MysticBuff.ash This is a simple relay interface for MysticBuff - the web based buffbot. It simplifies the regular interface and removes the necessity to enter your playername when requesting buffs! Buffing just got faster! For more information about the buffbot, visit MysticBuff update...
  2. P

    visit_url to a non80 port

    I am not sure how many people attempted this in the past and recently. However when I try to visit_url(""), mafia seems to fire off the request twice. I have done this in the past (summer-ish) and the request only fired once. I wonder whether something changed with...
  3. P

    Lifespan of a script

    I am wondering what is the lifespan of an ash script. Does the ash file get parsed every time it is run within a session or is it cached somewhere for when the script is called again? Why I am asking: I have this relay script (relay_Hobo_Loot.ash) that checks inventory for various items and...
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    relay_Hardcore_Deeds.ash - Your daily tasks

    relay_Hardcore_Deeds.ash Your daily hardcore and possibly othercore tasks !Script Still In Development! version: 1.0rc1 This script provides a graphical representation of what one does on daily basis in a run. It groups all the consumption in one place, shows you your fullness/drunkness/spleen...
  5. P

    relay_Hobo_Loot.ash - track your Hobo loot

    relay_Hobo_Loot.ash Relay Override to help you track hobo loot that you have and don't have. One picture is worth more than lengthy explanation: Place the relay_Hobo_Loot.ash into your /relay folder to install the script. Post any bugs here. ~Enjoy Changelog: 1.1: totally forgot to add...