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    Input box and Plugging a variable into cli_Execute

    I was wondering how one made an input box to plug the text entered into a variable along with how to then plug the variable into cli_Execute.
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    Issue with my_adventures since computer crashed while running script.

    I run a script that I made that basically goes through my adventures on barf mountain. adventure(my_adventures(), $location[Barf Mountain] ); Ever since my computer crashed while it was running stuff has been screwed up. I now have to manually set properties I made to false afterwards...
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    How to script it to send Gifts to people

    I want to send gifts through a script and was wondering how to do it. I tried using Zlib's but I dont think Im doing it correctly.
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    Possible not so smart question

    Saw that one of the newest SVNs of Mafia said that the use command was changed to chew for Spleen does that mean that Scripts have to change the use to chew or it wont work or will Use work along with chew ? I only ask because I have a script that has that uses graphical CLI to use the spleen...
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    Simple Mathemetical Scripting Problem

    int buypotions = my_adventures() - have_effect(to_effect(176)); int potionfinally = buypotions / 10; Does Mafia not give you decimal points in strings and ignores everything past the decimal ? Is it possible to use int round( float ) to make it go to the next higher up if its at a .1 or .2 and...
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    Loathing Legion

    I can turn the moondial into the Helicopter through the graphical CLI but when I try to fold it back into the moondial it doesnt work and in fact it wont let me fold it at all into anything while it is the helicopter. It seems like it only lets me fold once then stops letting me fold it into...
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    I know there is a script that does the adventures and stuff to keep it alive but I dont need that I need to figure out how to make it so that if I use it and its dead that it knows this uses it again gives it a name then does the chibichat. Would anyone be able to help me figure out how to do this ?
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    Free Mining Code Question wanted

    I've looked at Mining Scripts but I guess I am not being able to see what Im trying to see and was wondering if it was possible to have 5 free mining adventures used in a mine only on the spots that don't sparkle.
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    Kolmafia Removing Equipment during fights and asking about Kung Fu Buffs

    Friend of mine just started using Kolmafia and its removing her Equipment while shes fighting for some reason and it is also asking her about Kung Fu Buffs and asking if she wants to end them or not.. Does anyone know what might be going on because I've never had it try to remove my EQ while...
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    Kols Auto Attacks

    I used to know and I tried to do a search but if there any way to change our Auto Attack through scripting. Like if I have 1 named Combat 1 and want to change it to combat 2 during a script ?
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    BonerDragon Necklaces Keep Being Made Automatically

    This will probably be just as simple as my last question but I've looked everywhere and can't see where it is. I am wanting to use the hemp strings for something else and it just automatically makes the bonerdragon necklace. Also a friend of mind is having trouble with Cold one being cast every...
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    Daily Deed Question

    Is there anyway to remove a custom Deed without going back to just the default ?
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    Inventory Logger

    I know how to map my inventory to a file that brings the Name of the item and how any of that item is there. Is there anyway to have it also give me the item type ?
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    Simple Private Chat Loger

    I have tried searching on here and used what others have said they used but can't seem to get it to work right. Here is what I have down. void main(string sender, string message, string channel) { print (sender + " Sent this " + message); } I have the chatbotscript set to the ash file as...
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    Questions regarding Chibibuddy

    How would you script it so that it did the chibiChat ?
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    Fernsworthy basment

    Ok is there any way to keep Kolmafia from stoping your script if you fail a test in the basement ?
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    Slime Tube Question

    First off sorry for all of these questions I've been asking recently just trying to improve upon myself and clean up some of my scripts I have. I've recently found a work around thanks to posting about a different thing I wanted to do but I decided to post this here just to get an answer. I...
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    llama Lama Gong Question

    Sorry for posting all of these questions I'm just trying to learn as many different things as I can scripting wise. I've been looking at the scripts that use the gong to do stuff and I have a single question.. Example for birdform how do you figure in the NC Event at the end that gets you the...
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    Saving Stuff to a text file

    is there anyway for a script to save or modify a txt file ?
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    The New Castle: Which Section is best for Farming now ?

    Well the title says it all now that its split into 3 sections which part is the best section to farm to make the most amount of meat from farming taking into account for the future when autoselling the items since the items will have been flooded that they no longer worth it to put into the mall.