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  1. M

    Newbie but willing

    All my old versions are in the same folder, yes. I'm still getting inconsistent results, especially with the "Breakfast" checkbox. I'll make a list of what I experience, and maybe someone interested can test if they can replicate it.
  2. M

    Newbie but willing

    Any idea why is it not getting passed to the CLI in the screenshot in my earlier post? [hr]Ah! Gold! (and sorry for the double-post, but I have an update) I spoke with bigfreak in the IRC channel, and we did a bit of work in VNC and discovered that with the "Breakfast" option in the GUI...
  3. M

    Newbie but willing

    I already left that box checked. I have five files in my data directory though: ~.kcs ~moop.ccs ~moop.kcs DesktopIndicator.dll KoLmafia.log Neither of the two .kcs files contain my password. Is it located somewhere else? Does the CLI have some undocumented way of passing the password from the...
  4. M

    Newbie but willing

    Thank you both very much! Alrighty, I still have a few questions. The command-line function as you presented it, runs the CLI in terminal, yet the documentation says my password must be in a file and to my knowledge, it doesn't elaborate. Do you know where this information is? Shouldn't it be...
  5. M

    Newbie but willing

    I've been studying the tutorial and some other scripts. I can get some scripts to work if I call them from the dropdown menu, but when I want one to work "On Login," it doesn't work. I want to set up a script (and schedule KoL Mafia to run each day with the script) for a friend who will be going...