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  1. snooty

    Issue with wham.php?

    Just got this error, no idea what it is, how to fix it, or where to actually put this post. Apologies if it's in the wrong place...
  2. snooty

    Weird issue since latest Windows update.

    So, yeah, it's weird. One box is fine, on the other mafia takes twice as long to burn my daily turns. Java is the most recent JDK (updated in July, I believe), which I reinstalled anyway because *twice* *as* *long*. Everything else is the same on both machines (OS, JDK, mafia version, etc). I...
  3. snooty

    502 errors...just me?

    Everything was chugging along smoothly, then all of a sudden any action makes mafia red and angry with 502 errors flying around willy nilly. Asking here because I'm a walking Murphy's Law and if there was any way possible to trigger this on my end, I'd absolutely find it somehow. Using the most...
  4. snooty

    Boxing Daycare assistance needed.

    In this post Gausie attaches a .patch file. I have no idea what that is, how to use it, if it goes with a script I just can't find, or some secret other thing unknown to me. Just looking to automate recruiting...
  5. snooty

    How to script a CCS change

    So, I know this is simple, and I'm just forgetting the command, but, I don't know how/where to search for it. I want mafia to switch from one ccs to another, and back again. I know I put this in a script a *long* time ago, but I can't remember which one. Any help appreciated!
  6. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Or omgursodumbyoucantdoash.ash, whatever you want to call it ;) If someone would be willing to whip up a .ash script that will do everything so I never ever have to click in the browser (talk to the Sot, adventure at location X, return and collect milk cap) that would be awesome and I'd be your...
  7. snooty

    Ping pong paddle scripting help

    So, I have zero clue how to script this. How would one script using a ping pong ball if the paddle is equipped? I don't even know what to search for to find something similar or I'd have done that, sorry :(
  8. snooty

    Invisible intrinsic teleportitis?

    As usual, I have *no* idea wtf is going on. 4 instances of mafia running simultaneously, all 4 seemed to have spontaneously developed invisible intrinsic teleportitis! I was *trying* to do the daily conspiracy island quest thingitz, and all 4 were adventuring in parts entirely unrelated to the...
  9. snooty

    Issues logging in. - Mysteriously resolved.

    Anyone? Just me? Using the latest build (r26927), start up mafia, log in, then...just nothing. Had 0 problems an hour ago, and I have *no* idea where to even start looking for something like this. Halp, plz! :eek: ETA: Whatever was going on seems to have resolved itself somehow? Feel free to...
  10. snooty

    Bug - Fixed Clickable familiar icon.

    Didn't think this qualified as a bug since it might be a change for the new path, but I think maybe this was accidentally gutted in a recent build? I haven't ascended into the new path, so I have all my fams, but clicking on the fam icon does nothing now. I rather liked this feature and I'm...
  11. snooty

    Scripting help needed, or bug, uncertain which.

    KoLmafia v20.2 r19894 Sorry y'all, I have *no* clue how to adjust .ash scripts if it isn't an extremely simple change. Got this error today on login, so, thread title! Function 'string_to_int( string )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting...
  12. snooty

    Bug - Fixed Ppassive skills appear in Skill Casting tab

    I'm uncertain if this is a bug, feature, or a new setting I've missed somewhere. Using KoLmafia v20.2 r19823, but it started a week or so ago? All passive skills are in the drop down list in both All Castable Skills, and Summoning Skills options on the Skill Casting tab. I did look through a...
  13. snooty

    Bug - Not A Bug I do have a cold, so, it could just be my stupid fogged up brain...

    Ok, updated mafia to r19579. I can log in, but mafia disappears (like normal) then just never reappears (super not like normal). So I update java after checking game play forum. Couldn't remember where to find an old version of mafia to download, but a friend helped me get an older java version...
  14. snooty

    GameInform Script Request

    Nothing fancy, just something that will use/read a magazine, then adventure in the necessary locations. I don't know how hard that would be to script so compensation is definitely negotiable, my unDYING gratitude is just an awesome bonus. Reply here or contact me ingame, same name. Thanks!