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  1. Bale

    Bug - Fixed put_shop() gives bad response in CLI when price protection activates

    The response from KoLmafia says it works, but nothing actually goes to the store. > inv journal of mime The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 4 (4) > ash put_shop(3000, 0, 4, $item[The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 4]); Adding The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 4 to store... 4 The Journal of Mime...
  2. Bale

    New Content - Implemented New Stuff this past Halloween

    -------------------- 9151 invisible seam ripper 539870712 blank.gif usable q 0 Item invisible seam ripper Lasts Until Rollover, Effect: "Invisibly Ripped", Effect Duration: 5 -------------------- -------------------- 2142 Invisibly Ripped blank.gif ac973ec446768bfc63bbbcdc99f6ace3 use 1...
  3. Bale

    Bug - Waiting for Info Chez Snootée allows out-of-date consumption

    If you're in standard and Chez Snootée offers food which is out of standard, KoL will allow you to consume it. Unfortunately the food does not appear in the consumption helper so it needs to be consumed through the relay browser. A few days ago my clannie consumed some natto pocky while in...
  4. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    "path":"29", "pathname":"Gelatinous Noob" "class":"23" Prime Stat is moxie -------------------- 9216 interesting clod of dirt 718542 ragwad.gif none d 15 # Item interesting clod of dirt: Absorb it for a useful skill! -------------------- -------------------- 9343 dirty bottlecap 1180423...
  5. Bale

    New Content - Implemented lump of not really wriggling eldritch matter

    the lump of frequently wriggling eldritch matter became a lump of not really wriggling eldritch matter I guess it was mostly just responding to the presence of the tentacled boss. We're gonna have to have an even more extreme incursion before it hatches.
  6. Bale

    New Content - Implemented old school beer pull tab

    KoL has renamed item #6871, the old-school beer pull tab to old school beer pull tab. The hyphen was removed.
  7. Bale

    Bug - Fixed Store Manager forgetting my items?

    I have my store manager in a tab. From time to time when I check on my items I find that there are no items in my store!! Okay, they re-appear when I click on "refresh" so they're still there, but even so. I have found one reliably replicatable case to demonstrate this bug. Have Store Manager...
  8. Bale

    New Content - Implemented Speakeasy moved upstairs.

    > drink lucky lindy The 'Lucky Lindy' is not currently available in your clan Sigh. It's on the VIP Room's second floor now.
  9. Bale

    Bug - Not A Bug Closet messed up after liberating the king

    For a month now I've been getting this puzzling error. After I ascend mafia knows the contents of my closet, but cannot move them to inventory. This causes my kingLiberatedScript to fail. Refresh session does not fix the problem, and visiting my closet doesn't help, but visiting Hangks sometimes...
  10. Bale

    Bug - Fixed Mafia doesn't parse turns of an effect gained in combat.

    For a while now, whenever I get an effect in combat mafia does not parse the number of turns I gain for that effect. It always says 1 in the session log. Round 2: Bale casts TRANSCENDENT OLFACTION! You acquire an effect: On the Trail (1) You take a deep breath, allowing your opponent's...
  11. Bale

    Revamping the KoLmafia Toolbar

    I really want a Synthesize Candy button on the mafia toolbar. I'm calling it up all the time, but I don't want to have to add it as one of my default tabs either. I think it's a great candidate for the toolbar so it will always be within easy one click access like the coinmaster. However there...
  12. Bale

    Bug - Fixed The Fire Inside

    On the G-D discussion thread, drakono82 noted a bug in our implementation of The Fire Inside, the effect from using a bottle of fire.
  13. Bale

    New Content - Implemented Rethinking Candy

    KingBobson has figured out how Rethinking Candy works. Unfortunately for us it reveals that there are two levels of candy. He calls them simple and complex, but we could call them level 1 and level 2 candies. Or whatever. Regardless, as candy level gets spaded we need to be able to add that...
  14. Bale

    Feature Reset Prince's Ball queues

    Whenever a grimstone mask is used for the stepmother path KoLmafia should reset the locations at the Prince's Ball, but does not. This never bothered me much before since I only used it once for the ornate dowsing rod, but things have changed and now I may need to use a grimstone mask more than...
  15. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Add timeprank message to session log

    When someone timepranks me I don't get to see their message if I was automating. I don't automate much in run, but in aftercore, where the time pranks exist... Well, I miss not knowing their messages. It should be reported to the session log and to the gCLI. In related news, A bunch of people...
  16. Bale

    New Content - Implemented Eldritch Tentacles now have names

    You're fighting an Eldritch Tentacle named Shhhhhggggrrgglshhhhhblrg NAMED NEIL KoLmafia now needs to know how to disambiguate Eldritch Tentacles so that it knows when it is fighting an Eldritch Tentacle or else my fight script won't know when to recast digitize on them. <body> <img...
  17. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Daily Interneting

    There are 5 items in the "Internet Meme Shop" which can only be purchased once per day. I'm not going to suggest that KoLmafia keep track of them being bought today. Nothing that troublesome. All I want is for mafia to note the current items in the shop, just as it recognizes the Mr. Store...
  18. Bale

    Bug - Fixed Badly Disambiguated Rocks

    Today I noticed that a rock was stolen from me in PvP. Rocks go for 5,497 Meat in the mall so I wondered why it wasn't automatically closeted like my other items of such price. So I checked is_tradeable($item[rock]) and found that mafia didn't think it could be traded! That was my tip-off that...
  19. Bale

    Bug - Fixed Sometimes Palindome Dudes don't count!

    Mutant versions of the Palindome dudes don't increment the property palindomeDudesDefeated. They should!
  20. Bale

    New Content - Implemented Trick-or-Treating Tot: maximizer's switch keyword does not work.

    The maximizer's switch keyword isn't working for the Trick-or-Treating Tot. I can imagine why this familiar is different, but the functionality would be very nice. For example, "maximize adv, switch Trick-or-Treating Tot" will not switch to the tot if you have the unicorn costume. It doesn't...