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  1. X

    Bug - Not A Bug Daily buld 15609 corrupt file error

    When I go to open daily build 15609 I get an error message saying the file is corrupt/ I downloaded 15608 and that opened normally.
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    Mall search using only favorites

    This has been going on for quite some time. When I do a a mall search using the purchase tab mafia only looks for the item in my favorites instead of the entire mall. Any idea what setting I hit at some point to make it do that?
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    Castle farming script

    I made this script a couple of weeks ago and since someone was asking about how to write one in this thread I thought I would post what I did. This script does need zlib.ash and the updated version of EatDrink.ash bounty.ash needed for the bounty hunter section. What is does: * Eats and...
  4. X


    I have been using this script on and off for awhile. I tried using it today and got this error message: > call scripts\dancer.ash Expected ), found = (dancer.ash, line 9) Since I know nothing about .ash I don't know what is wrong. Here is the code: void main(int advs) { if(advs>0)...