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  1. soolar

    Feature A request to make some character pane information acquirable without visit_url

    I am currently working on a script that is a sort of successor to ChIT. One thing it has going for it is that it does not require a refresh to update information. However, there's certain essential info for a charpane replacement that currently can only be acquired by doing...
  2. soolar

    Feature - Implemented Handle record literals as function parameters in ASH

    Right now, you can create record literals in variable definitions in ASH, so this example code works like you'd expect (prints 'hello: world') void testFunction(string[string] example) { foreach a,b in example { print(a + ': ' + b); } } string[string] var = { 'hello': 'world' }...
  3. soolar

    Bug - Fixed $class[none] causes java.lang.NullPointerException

    It took me a bit to narrow this down, but the simplest reproducible example I've found is just > ash $class[none] Returned: none id => -1 primestat => none Unexpected error, debug log printed. The debug log contains Unexpected error, debug log printed. class java.lang.NullPointerException...
  4. soolar

    Bug - Fixed Javascript toJson leaves object keys in underscore_format rather than camelCase

    Per the title. I imagine this function isn't widely used (I wouldn't be surprised if Yorick and now tome are the only scripts making use of it), so I don't THINK changing the behavior would cause widespread issues. It seems likely unintentional to me that the keys aren't transformed to the...
  5. soolar

    Feature - Implemented Ability to give a flat bonus to the scores of certain items in the maximizer

    I would love to be able to give certain items that are useful for things other than just their numeric modifiers a bonus score to account for their useful abilities without outright forcing their equipment, so that they can become naturally equipped if I don't have anything particularly well...
  6. soolar

    Bug - Fixed Preadventure checkpoint clear no longer works.

    Usually when you change equipment in a preadventure script, mafia will helpfully (well, it's often helpful) switch it back to what it was before the adventure after the adventure. You used to be able to avoid this if you so desired by calling checkpoint clear within the preadventure script, but...
  7. soolar

    Feature - Implemented NOCOPY in $monster.attributes for uncopyable monsters

    It'd be nice to be able to check if a monster is copyable easily. Here's a patch for monsters.txt with a NOCOPY note added to the attributes of every monster in this category on the wiki, so possibly incomplete, but it's a start. I also added a copyable flag to the monsters proxy record...
  8. soolar

    sl_ascend - a cc_ascend fork

    Since Cheesecookie seems to be moving on to other things going by various comments, I decided to fork cc_ascend to update it for the changes from the start of the year! I can't say with certainty that I will maintain this fork for the long term, but that is my current plan... We'll all see what...
  9. soolar

    CONSUME.ash - A diet handler script

    Instructions and details can be found at the github page here: Preferred place for feedback is on the github issue tracker, but if you don't have an account and don't want to sign up for some reason, I'll still check this thread fairly regularly, or you can...
  10. soolar

    Bug - Not A Bug Visiting sea monkees unequips edpiece configured with fish

    Having to constantly re-equip the edpiece when doing the sea quest because I'm switched to a diving helmet is annoying :(
  11. soolar

    Procedural time prank generator

    Timeprank Generator What is this? I had been using this time prank message that I came up with which I based on old chain e-mails on a bunch of my friends. But I decided that I didn't want to just copy/paste the same message at them day after day, so instead I elected to write a procedural...
  12. soolar

    Automatic Flavour Tuning

    I've been working on a script that takes care of tuning flavour of magic optimally for me automatically and a couple people expressed interest, so I guess I'm sharing it with the world! By default, it will set you to whatever element will be super effective against the most enemies in the zone...
  13. soolar

    Feature Reduce server hits for Mana burn + Allow equipment changing when casting buffs

    When burning mana with "allow equipment changing when casting buffs" enabled, mafia currently equips mana cost reducing gear, uses a single skill, switches back to original gear, and repeats. This makes mana burning take about three times as long, and hit the server about three times as often as...
  14. soolar

    Bug Changing equipment in moods leads to unequipping repeat items when automation ends

    Ok so this is sort of an odd one. I've been having this issue for a while now (it's not related to the inline item descriptions like the other unequipping bug was). I have an unconditional trigger in my default mood of ashq try { maximize("outfit vile vagrant vestments,equip plexiglass...
  15. soolar

    Feature - Implemented familiar Data Type knows about drop counters explicitly

    There are a lot of familiars that can drop a certain amount of items per day, and they each have a property that tracks how many have dropped that day. A lot of scripts have to manually set up a switch case associating every familiar that has a drop with its specific drop counter, and then they...
  16. soolar

    Finding out some extra info about items

    Is there any way to find out what slot an item equips to, if it is equipment? Without equipping it, that is. Figured that one out, nvm. Also, is there any way of getting items from a specific inventory section? For example, knowing what items are favorites, recent items, or other custom...
  17. soolar

    How to determine how many turns of an effect an item will give you

    I am pretty new to scripting for mafia (although not at all new to scripting in general), and I've been browsing the wiki quite a bit, but I am running in to a wall here. I can figure out what effect an item will give, but I can not for the life of me find a way to determine how many turns of...