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  1. dapanda

    Bug Mafia seems to spend meat but not buy an item

    Posted on the ASSdiscord as a question but recommended to make a bug report to check it. I posted a snippet on discord because I wanted to see if it was a coding issue or a mafia issue and it was suggested I submit a bug Mafia Version: 28334 Here is a snippet of the code I run to buy the...
  2. dapanda

    matcher / create_matcher not processing the match on raidlogs.php

    I am trying to automate my slimetube turns (and soon to be the rest of the dungeon for the final drops) and I am running into an issue with matcher / create_matcher raidlogs.php. I was able to get matcher / create_matcher on the slime tube bucket using this code I borrowed: matcher numbucket =...
  3. dapanda

    Exactly how do counters work/where is information stored?

    I have been looking for a while and maybe I am not just finding it, but I can't seem to determine how mafia stores counter information, such as turns left before a fight of a digitized monster. I don't see anything in the pref file and the only time I can see the counter is when I use the...
  4. dapanda

    Wandering Monster Non-combat check

    Hi, I was trying to expand my personal meat farming script to handle free combats off of barf mountain (to stop the barf mountain counter increasing for the non-combat event) Per this post, on Veracity's meat farming script...
  5. dapanda

    Prefs.txt File being reset

    I know there is a bug report with this but I have a tangent question and I wanted to give the background. I run mafia on Windows and use Chrome to run the relay browser. Bug report: In the past my _prefs.txt file has been...
  6. dapanda

    Feature Command for monster wishing just like "can_faxbot"

    Hi, Would it be possible to make a function for mafia that works like can_faxbot but for the genie? Something like can_monsterwish that checks to see if the monster can be wished for?
  7. dapanda

    Feature Genie wish to notify on failure

    Hi, Currently when you wish to fight a monster from the CLI and the monster isn't available, nothing happens. Would it be possible for KoLMafia to print that it can not fight a monster or to return an error? Thanks!
  8. dapanda

    Wishing for Monsters for Factoids

    I made a rough script for finding missing factoids with a Genie Wish. It will fight one monster and use any copying abilities you have to get the rest of the factoids. It can run a bit slow as it has to check the manuel after every combat to make sure it doesn't have 3 factoids yet. Things...
  9. dapanda

    ValhallaDecorator personal checks

    Hi! Is there a way to add personal checks to the ValhallaDecorator, "The Astral Gash" page that comes up once you click on the portal? Or is that something that would have to be done VIA a relay script. I want to create my own single use, get items once per ascension, also remind me of...
  10. dapanda

    Making a Clan Buffbot, could use some help

    Hi everyone, I have been working on a Clan BuffBot for a while and now it is finally ready to be released. I a full plan for its scripting but I am not sure how to make KoLmafia do what I want. Besides using the "wait()" command and the topic listed below, is there any way to have commands run...
  11. dapanda

    Amount of a particular item left in Mall

    Hi Everyone, I had a question (that I included below) but then I took the time to work on the problem myself. I have been able to get the data I want in a format that I can work with BUT I am worried that it may have some issues with the definition of what a mallbot is/isn't. I am trying to...
  12. dapanda

    KoLmafia and KoL server connection issues

    Hi Guys, About 2 weeks ago KoLmafia started to randomly slow down in regards to accessing the KoL server. For the most part it runs slow with instances where I can play a little bit. KoLmafia itself doesn't run slow, switching tabs, loading parts of the program is instant. There is also no...
  13. dapanda

    Feature - Implemented Is Mom Sea Monkee open?

    Hi guys, Per the post: I would like to submit a request to have a preference for if "Mom Sea Monkee" has been unlocked. Thanks!
  14. dapanda

    Finding if Mom Monkee is available

    Hi Guys, I am trying to write an aftercore script and I want to be able to check if Mom Monkee was found. I wasn't seeing anything in the quest or pref list: Would the way to do it be to check if that URL is accessible? Thanks!