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  1. P

    Bug - Fixed Enqueueing food/booze/spleen in the Item Manager suggests more than you can consume

    When selecting a consumable and clicking "enqueue", mafia opens a popup to enter amount. The suggested amount used to be what you had space remaining for (without overdrinking, if liver space remained). Now it appears to be the maximum possible amount you can create, which is very unexpected...
  2. P

    Bug - Fixed "banishes" CLI command shows HTML code rather than table

    Seems like "textui/command/" wasn't updated to use RequestLogger.printHtml when r27835 changed the behavior. Haven't confirmed if this will fix it, but seems pretty likely. I think "taleofdread" might also be affected, as it displays the text with <p> for paragraph breaks...
  3. P

    Bug Wrong choice number for choice adventure 1243

    In the Spacegate choice adventure "Interstellar Trade", I wanted to always select "Don't buy the thing". With "choice" I see that buying is 1 and not buying is 2, so I set it permanently with "choice 2 always". Since then I've been getting this error on the command line: Invalid setting 2 for...
  4. P

    Bug - Fixed Can't adventure in PirateRealm Island

    This used to work, I think a recent change to split up the island names broke this. However, as PirateRealm Island is the in-game canonical name for the zone, it should still exist.
  5. P

    Bug - Fixed Spacegate adventuring broken on some planets

    I noticed recently on some planets mafia would abort auto-adventuring and say "You are currently in a choice.", even though I wasn't. A few lines up I see it says "Unknown item found: exo-server leg braces". This looks like a typo for "exo-servo leg braces", and seems to be the cause of the...
  6. P

    Feature Some tabs moved to the bottom of the interface

    Not sure if I should mark this as a bug, but after a recent change, I think r26267, the tabs on panels for e.g. store manager have moved to the bottom of the interface. They show up on the top if I have it as a standalone window. The ergonomics of this change are ... not good. On the...
  7. P

    Bug encountersUntilNEPChoice set to 6, not 7 after NEP choice

    encountersUntilNEPChoice is set to 7 when hitting the NEP choice adventure, but then decremented to 6 when doing anything in there. As a result, it miscounts by one when the next encounter is (reaches 0, then another encounter, then NEP choice).
  8. P

    Bug - Fixed Optimizing to a slot fails with debug log since build 19966

    Using e.g. the maximizer string "HP, hat" results in the attached debug log.
  9. P

    Bug - Fixed Monsters with variable names no longer identified

    Last couple of days I've noticed that e.g. the sloppy seconds diner monsters aren't translated to Sloppy Seconds Burger/Cocktail/Sundae, so my CCS can't find the right section and there's no decoration in the relay browser. I tried reverting to a version I was sure it had worked in, based on the...
  10. P

    Bug - Fixed Mafia shows too large +item% for stinky fannypack (r19344)

    In most zones it currently shows +400% item, where it should be +0%. In vacation zones it shows +280%, where it should be +40%. It uses the zone() function in modifiers.txt, which I think was recently changed.
  11. P

    Bug "validate scriptname" on a non .ash script actually executes script

    Not sure this classifies as a bug as such, though I consider it at least unexpected behavior to actually execute a script one calls with "validate" or "check". I can understand that syntax checking .txt scripts would be a considerable thing to add, but at least either failing the command with an...
  12. P

    Bug - Fixed Some monsters no longer have relay browser decoration

    Since r18835, some monsters aren't getting elemental alignment coloring and stat listings in the relay browser. Seems to be when the monster has a capital letter in the name.
  13. P

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer bjonifies wrong familiar for MP with moxie magnet

    When maximizing for MP and the moxie magnet is selected, the maximizer will still bjornify the mayo wasp (+15% myst), instead of e.g. the nosy nose (+15% moxie), which would give a higher score. If I manually swap them out and try maximizing again, it will show only a bjorn familiar swap with a...
  14. P

    Bug - Fixed New-You quest parameters not set for some monsters

    The NEW_YOU_QUEST_PATTERN in src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/persistence/ only matches on "encounters with a ", while some monsters (e.g. undead elbow macaroni) will have "encounters with an ".
  15. P

    Bug - Fixed Eagle's milk gives 3-4 adventures

    src/data/fullness.txt currently lists it as 4 adventures.
  16. P

    Bug - Fixed Mafia doesn't remember I ice housed something

    For a long time, the monster in the ice house remained in banishedMonsters across rollover and ascension. Recently I've noticed this was cleared every rollover, so I have to go look at the ice house for mafia to pick it up again.
  17. P

    Bug Nemesis assassin timer not working for b?arnaise zombie

    I've noticed that the nemesis assassin window timers didn't get set when encountering the b?arnaise zombie. It looks like the code tries to match on "béarnaise zombie", but é isn't in the UFT-8 encoded HTML: <td valign=center>You're fighting <span id='monname'>a b?arnaise zombie</span>
  18. P

    Bug Relay CLI commands URL decoded twice

    In line 2829, commands submitted from e.g. cli.html are URL decoded. However, the command is already URL decoded in line 763. The most visible result is that expressions involving + can't be used in the relay browser CLI.
  19. P

    New Content - Implemented Changed button text in Lights Out in the Library

    The button text in Lights Out in the Library has changed from "Go to the Childrens' Section" to "Go to the Children's Section", so mafia doesn't pick that choice when automating the Lights Out quest.
  20. P

    Bug - Fixed equip_all_familiars() does not respect "autoSatisfyWithCloset"

    I generally use my closet to store things I want mafia to ignore, so I have autoSatisfyWithCloset set to false. But today I noticed that equip_all_familiars() will take familiar equipment from the closet despite this.