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  1. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature - Implemented Accessing `zone` effects listed in `modtrace` with `numericModifier`

    I want to isolate the shadow-rift item drop penalty (so my last location visited does not affect projected turncount for the CS item-drop test). Modtrace shows it as a zone-based modifier: modtrace item...
  2. Big Money Sylvia

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Maximizer quirks - "-combat" and melee vs ranged.

    Pictured: The maximizer is downgrading my gear (and score) from fish hatchet and rusted-out shootin' iron to two iFlails. I think it's trying to dual-wield a melee weapon with a ranged one, and then - strangely - resolves the incompatibility by keeping the weaker piece of equipment (iFlail...
  3. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature - Implemented Feature request: Record literals

    I just intuitively tried to assign a record using a literal. I learned that is not a thing, but veracity suggested making it into a feature request. The example syntax in my not-currently-working code looks like this: exp_buff_score[int] scores; if(my_primestat() == $stat[muscle]) {...
  4. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature Maximizer: Consider owned items with worse tiebreakers + acquirable items with better tiebreakers, both

    (Edit -- For context, this was initially filed as a bug labelled "Maximizer prefers making troutsers over wearing lava-proof pants.") Title is specific because I feel like the issue is hard to explain in concise words. When you're maximizing a stat, KoLmafia will suggest spending a limited...