Search results

  1. coandco

    New You 2.0 (New New You?)

    Given that the author of the NewYou quest script seems to have gone MIA, I've forked the script and made several updates to it. Here's the command to check out my version of the script: svn checkout The major change I made to the script was to...
  2. coandco

    Bug - Fixed Fuzzy matching for "potion of detection" broken

    I just updated my copy of KoLMafia from v16339 to v16379, and now the CLI command "use potion of detection" no longer works. Oddly enough, "use potion of detect" works fine... > use potion of detection [potion of detection] has no matches. > use potion of detect Using 1 milky potion of...
  3. coandco

    volcano_mining.ash - Automate mining of the Velvet/Gold Mine at That 70s Volcano

    Hello all! I've modified Bombar's Crimbo Mining script to work with the Velvet/Gold Mine. By default, the script follows the following algorithm: Mine sparkles in the first three rows as efficiently as possible, stopping as soon as a gold is found. If a velvet has been uncovered or no gold...