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  1. B

    Feature creepy voodoo doll for breakfast, do not by default make the choice to use it for the player

    creepy voodoo doll gives a random contact an effect that can not be removed freely. It harms players who participate in pvp even when they are offline and they can't control or know who adds them in their contacts and there is no opt out for them Mafia breakfast is using the creepy voodoo doll...
  2. B

    Bug Feel Hatred banish duration

    kolmafia thinks monsters banished by Feel Hatred are still banished one turn after the duration seem to expire in KoL, I think the real duration has always been 49 not 50.
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    Bug clover Lucky adventures start temporary counters

    handleTemporaryCounters does not start counters if location is none or nowander, it seems it should also not start if the previous encounter was a 11-leaf clover Lucky adventure perhaps this is the same issue as I do not...
  4. B

    Feature "stats per fight" maximizer modifiers

    Kol has the modifiers "Stats Per Fight", "Muscle Stat(s) Per Fight", "Mysticality Stat(s) Per Fight", "Moxie Stat(s) Per Fight" The maximizer can not give weight to these effects exclusively, the existing expressions "experience", "muscle experience", "mysticality experience", "moxie...
  5. B

    Bug maximizer shows incorrect display message when switching hands

    When the maximizer wants to take a weapon currently equipped in the main hand to put it into the off-hand, the display message it shows on the off-hand is "buy" when the item is considered buyable correctly or not, even when the Equipment option is for only items "on hand" or else "create" if...
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    Bug - Fixed appearance_rates queue affected by crystal ball is incorrect when ball taken off

    appearance_rates(loc,true) shows 100 for the predicted monster and 0 for others, once the crystal ball is taken off it shows 0 for the predicted monster too and still 0 for others, example in The Haunted Laundry Room (3 monsters, plaid ghost, cabinet of Dr. Limpieza, possessed laundry press)...
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    Bug - Not A Bug ASH: aggregate inside a function persists unexpectedly

    void printoutput(int[int] input_argument) { int[int] incremented = input_argument; print_html(incremented[1]); incremented[1] += 1; } int[int] input; input[1] = 0; printoutput(input); printoutput(input); printoutput(input); Returns: Unless I misunderstand something what is...
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    Bug - Fixed The Wizard of Ego quest state is not tracked from guild text

    canAdv visits the guild url "ocg" based only on the tracking of questG03Ego so canAdv is expecting the property to be updated when visiting but it isn't, it seems only quest log visits update questG03Ego, so canAdv keeps visiting "guild.php?place=ocg" every time it is looking at guild zones, is...
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    Bug - Fixed turn spent getting boring binder clip not counted when it is turned into file on obtention

    turns_spent is not incremented in The Hidden Office Building when McClusky file (complete) immediately assembled on obtention of boring binder clip, this means when the 5 pages are already in possession when taking the clip in at Working Holiday which is the 6th turn spent. turns_spent is...
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    Bug - Fixed vote modifier not counted

    Meat Drop modifier works. Experience (familiar) modifier type exists but vote modifier is not counted: > modtrace meat > modtrace familiar experience shows no values. calls this which is supposed to break apart the modifiers, I don't know where it is failing...
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    Bug - Not A Bug wrong choice in Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here

    r26287 Is mafia supposed to pick the correct dynamic choice when adventuring in Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here? for reference this is the 2015 commit that implemented that choice nemesis quest scripts and autoscend seem to assume so, they just use the adventure function in The Unquiet...
  12. B

    Bug bounty item drop incorrectly expected from (complete but not turned in) bounty monsters

    if you get all the bounty items and current script fights the bounty monster again while adventuring, mafia stops everything with "bounty item failed to drop from expected monster." This seems...