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  1. I

    Bug "Blessing of your favorite bird" and I assume other modifiers, are untracked after breaking prism

    Build 28062, Starting in a You, Robot run, the modifier is correct up until I break the prism. > js numericModifier(Effect.get("Blessing of your favorite bird"), "Item Drop") Returned: 50 [393] Freeing King Ralph > js numericModifier(Effect.get("Blessing of your favorite bird")...
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    Feature Expose "locked" from api.php status as a mafia function

    The status exposes "locked" which has four fields that I've seen as far. "choice" false "fight" "cancelable-choice" In a way this already exists in mafia, via "currentRound" and "handlingChoice", but it is a series of checks and it doesn't actually tell you if the choice being handled can be...
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    Bug - Fixed Mirror logging needs to write entity encoded characters

    I actually anticipate that I'll be sorting this problem out myself at a later point, though anyone is welcome to jump ahead and fix this. The issue is as following * Mirror logging in mafia is written by writing gCLI to a file, the output is written as html * The html tags such as <font> <br>...
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    Hide snowballs in player profiles

    This script is fairly simple, it hides snowballs in player profiles by removing a piece of code so that the relevant snowball code never runs. To install, just use git checkout libraryaddict/KolSnowballs hide The code itself is just a file in relay/showplayer.ash void main() { buffer...
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    Feature - Rejected Archive old sessions to reduce file size

    So someone brought up how big their sessions files were, which had me check my sessions folder. 5.5gb Granted, this is after a few years and with something like 3 accounts. Still an impressive size. Then I ran it with compression format of 7z and compression level of ultra which is not a real...
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    Feature Handle github's removal of SVN gracefully For those of you that are unaware, SVN support in github will be removed on the 8th of Jan. This was discussed before here...
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    [Deprecated] Fixes snowballs making user profile links unclickable

    This script is no longer needed, TPTB has fixed it. To be clear, this doesn't do anything but fix links, TPTB made a small typo in their snowball code which this relay script fixes. This does not hide the snowballs, it does not make any QoL changes. It just changes a small piece of code so...
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    Bug - Fixed Unable to craft staff of ed

    Earlier while running my turns I encountered an error where mafia no longer can craft me a staff of ed. Long story short, it looks like this change is at fault.
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    Bug - Fixed appearance_rates(location, false) doesn't take combat modifiers into account

    So appearance_rates.none will reflect the chance of hitting a non-combat, which makes sense. What doesn't make is the difference between these two outputs. I am running -25 combat. > ash appearance_rates($location[The Jungles of Ancient Loathing], false) Returned: aggregate float [monster]...
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    Feature historical_price does not update on mall extinct items, can not load -1

    Is this a bug or feature? This is marked as a feature rather than a bug as this could be intended behavior, just that it hadn't considered a future with mall extinction. First Issue When an item is mall extinct (or only 4 is available), then mall_price will return -1 Edit: I was wrong, an...
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    Bug Prevent swing popups from stealing focus

    I'm on Windows 10, and I'm not sure if this is an issue elsewhere but sometimes mafia has a popup box appear for one reason or another. This is normally fine, but sometimes I'm typing in CLI or mafia's chat or sometimes I'm not even using mafia as my active window and I'm typing in another...
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    Feature - Implemented Persistent command history / control history size Command history has a size of 20, which means you can execute 20 commands before it'll start forgetting stuff. Two thoughts So I had two thoughts about this, the first is a...
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    Feature - Implemented Items placed in flea market are not tracked as removed from inventory

    Noticed that some items I'd placed into the flea market were not removed from mafia's inventory, aka tourguide claimed I still had three clovers on me. To test, I did a quick js itemAmount(Item.get("11-leaf clover")) Returned: 3 This is minor, would put it aside but I know I'd never...
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    Feature - Implemented Log when a client session starts and ends

    This is somewhat niche in use, but currently if a player restarts mafia you have no way to tell if they did so as far as I can tell. Everything that is written to log seems to be non unique and can be replicated by a command invocation. The use case for this was kolfix, a script that aims to...
  15. I

    Feature Statistics tracking, fork bstats. A thought.

    This has come to mind now and again, I would love to see statistics on scripts and mafia installations. That site is open source and can be forked, rewritten to be for mafia and it's scripts. Should be simple enough. In the interest of privacy, this should...
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    Bug - Fixed Using mall_price doesn't ignore forbiddenStores

    The preference forbiddenStores is a list of player IDs which tells mafia to avoid buying from their stores. The list is automatically populated when an attempt to purchase from the store fails as you were ignored. However, other functions such as checking the mall price will return the price of...
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    Bug - Fixed Git projects outside of github are not named correctly

    I was playing with third party hosting for some git stuff and was confused on why my script was being called null-release in the git information. > git checkout [Private Git Repo] release Starting remote: Enumerating objects remote: Counting objects remote: Compressing objects Receiving...
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    Feature - Implemented Relogging to improve ping

    Edit: I am not advocating the use of the antilag user script, work has been done in mafia after this thread was created that makes this script redundant. There is a new tab "Connection" in the login menu, and in the preferences you can see options in "General > Connection Options". New commands...
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    Feature Implement warnings when using SVN with github projects

    By now everyone should be aware that Github is removing SVN support, and most github scripts should already be encouraging use of git over svn. However, some people will be lazy and some will still get caught by surprise. I think...
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    Feature Track when certain non-combats occured

    So we have several zones that will force a non-combat, which we could start tracking. I may be missing a few as these are off the top of my head. Black Forest - The NC is a super-likely after 4 fights without a NC The Hidden City - Hidden Apartment & Office Building - They occur after X fights...