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  1. phreddrickk

    Bug Mafia attempts to retrieve yam stinkbomb using mayam calendar when unavailable

    I'm reasonably confident this is a regression from the past few days; my code looks for the least expensive item in a certain list, and if the stuffed yam stinkbomb is only just now registering as the cheapest it must not always have had a retrievePrice of 0. Buying one from the mall seems to...
  2. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed Leprecondo only parses when you visit the URL for the first time, not when you submit a choice. Also, doesn't report handlingChoice?

    Here are some snippets from the CLI: Here, neither "use" or directly visiting inv_use.php resulted in handlingChoice returning true, despite displaying the encounter name in the CLI. Maybe this is because it's an escapable choice? But with the autumn-aton, I can get handlingChoice to return...
  3. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed get_workshed() no longer returning mayo clinic

    Seems to have started happening today. I checked both on login and after visiting my workshed in the relay browser. Presumably related to the fact that mayo clinic is shop.php. I can no longer check to see if mafia remembers when I actively use the mayo clinic (because I've already used the mayo...
  4. phreddrickk

    Bug lastEncounter parses monsters with certain articles inconsistently

    For monsters with certain articles, lastEncounter strips the article out of the monster name: But for other articles, it fails to do so: It looks like the articles it searches for are basically hardcoded in CombatActionManager.encounterKey: if (key.startsWith("a ")) { key =...
  5. phreddrickk

    Bug retrieve_item and acquire rely on bundles of firewood for campaway items

    If I don't have any sticks of firewood in my inventory, and I type "acquire campfire smoke", mafia goes through the following process: But the stick of firewood is available in the mall for a meager 207 meat! I can see that there's some special casing for the bundle of firewood in...
  6. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed There are now items named "0" and "1", which causes problems

    Right now, I'm logged into mafia and it knows about 0 and 1: However, across languages, we seem to have trouble accessing this: It looks like these are the very first items whose name is only digits. EDIT: I'm not sure what the best way forward is, but it might be worth changing their...
  7. phreddrickk

    Feature Maximizer difficulty with negatives and the max/min keywords.

    I'm not quite sure whether to characterize this as a bug or a feature. There's a hard cap in game about combat rate modifiers--anything past +/- 35% doesn't do anything. The maximizer currently ignores this, for reasons that make sense: there are times when we want to go past this hard cap...
  8. phreddrickk

    Bug - Fixed When parsing from post-combat text, autumn-aton has trouble with St. Patrick's Island

    When I sent off my fallbot, things went pretty much okay: When I spent my first turn, things went less well: That came from the combat line: It looks like only a handful of location names include a period, and most of them aren't ones you can send a fallbot to. Some of them are ones you can...
  9. phreddrickk

    Bug Stat Experience Modifiers written oddly in certain tracking preferences

    The preferences nextStillsuitMods, currentStillsuitMods, _mummeryMods, and presumably certain other mods have a quirk about how they express certain numeric modifiers. Here's an example value of a nextStillsuitMods provided by @SSBBHax: Experience (Muscle): +11, Experience (Mysticality): +9...
  10. phreddrickk

    Bug Habitat (and presumably Gregarious) encounters in Gingerbread zones not incrementing _gingerbreadCityTurns

    > Now running Witchess Rook fight: Backup. Stay tuned for details. [695] Gingerbread Civic Center Preference lastEncounter changed from gingerbread convict to Witchess Rook Encounter: Witchess Rook Preference _monsterHabitatsFightsLeft changed from 1 to 0 Round 0: Tinsin wins initiative! Round...
  11. phreddrickk

    New Content - Implemented Mall Cap Raised, Meat Cap Raised, Certain Mall Items Repriced

    Looks like the repricing functions in mafia are now weird Some items that are currently sold at the old mall cap are also behaving weird in mafia's mall functionality There's probably more stuff afoot, but I figured just getting the conversation started would help.
  12. phreddrickk

    Bug toJson fails for nullish values

    > js toJson({ x: null }) Unexpected error, debug log printed. > js toJson({ x: undefined }) Unexpected error, debug log printed. Debug log attached
  13. phreddrickk

    Bug Turtle Taming encounters don't increment _gingerbreadCityCombats (but should)

    I assume this is also a bug with June Cleaver NCs--someone should double check this--but I know it's an issue for turtles. I originally filed a KoL bug report, because that feels like it's unintended behavior, but CDM has canonized it as intended, and so now it's a mafia bug report. EDIT: It...
  14. phreddrickk

    Feature - Implemented Book of Facts: Monster Items/Effects/Etc

    I'm 80% sure there isn't a thread for this. Which is fine! The item is 90% implemented. But there is a missing 10%. When you have the Book of Facts (or, more accurately, the skill "Just the Facts"), fighting monsters gives various things: some monsters drop items, others give effects, and so...
  15. phreddrickk

    freecandydotexe: a script for tricking, treating, and everything in-between

    freecandydotexe is a script for trick-or-treating on Hallowe'en for fun and profit. It is a member of the libram ecosystem, is built on the grimoire framework, and borrows many of the regular expressions used from the aforementioned tricktreat.ash. It can be installed by giving your CLI the ol'...
  16. phreddrickk

    New Content - Implemented Cursed Monkey Paw

    It's an accessory! But we dont' really care about that packaged form descid: 144539345 unpackaged descid: 617234158 main.php?action=cmonk&pwd brings us to choice adventure 1501, which lets us "wish" for something--that something can be any genie-wishable effect, or an item. The rules for what...
  17. phreddrickk

    Feature Track whether a familiar has yet to have been fed by the shorter-order cook

    I think this would work better as a proxy record than as a preference (because the latter would become extremely long and cumbersome), but I'm not 100% sure. The shorter-order cook gives a boost of either 81 or 100 familiar experience each time a familiar leaves your terrarium for the first...
  18. phreddrickk

    combo: a script for combing rare beach tiles

    Recently (in the geological sense) a number of players generously "donated" beach comb data as a public resource available here. combo is a script that uses this data to efficiently comb the beach for you. You can install it by entering git checkout release...
  19. phreddrickk

    Feature - Rejected numeric_modifier (or some new function) to look at the enchantments of bjorn/crown familiars

    Right now mafia (and the maximizer) has information about the enchantments that the Buddy Bjorn and Crown of Thrones give when a familiar is bjornified or enthroned, respectively. This information gets used in the maximizer, but doesn't appear to be exposed through any API that scripters can...