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  1. E

    Bug _lastCombatWon being set to False at Round 1 while still in Combat

    Lately, we (autoscend) have been getting reports about _lastCombatWon being set to False during round 1, before the user has taken any action. This is causing the post-adventure script to trigger, which may or may not break combat. I experience it consistently during the Professor part of a...
  2. E

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Window Re-Drawing Incorrectly

    I have been getting these weird GUI issues where things are misaligned/appear misaligned. It's like the menu bar doesn't "render" even though it is there which causes mis-clicks if I go to the Adventure tab or some other tab. Resizing the window temporarily fixes it. It seems like the issue is...
  3. E

    Bug - Fixed Cannot use replica Familiars with v27500+

    Exactly like the title says. When calling ash use(1, $item[replica Apathargic Bandersnatch]) in the command line, with v27500 or higher, Mafia returns true, but doesn't actually use the familiar. The relay browser behind the cli was navigated to after running that ash command. Also, the Session...
  4. E

    Bug - Fixed Build 25813 breaks all scripts

    Exactly as the title says. Below is my error log. 25812 runs scripts fine. 25813 no script (relay nor from gCLI) run. They always threw Unexpected error, debug log printed. Below is one of the log entries. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KoLmafia...
  5. E

    Bug - Fixed NullPointerException in r20501

    When I run autoscend I am getting a NullPointerException on r20501. I had previously run the script successfully in r20499. I enabled debugging and the log is attached. I trimmed the log just to the relevant error section. It looks like it has to do with the Maximizer change in 20501.