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  1. D

    KoLmafia doesn't seem to function on my laptop. Please assist!

    Righty-ho then. Running a laptop with plenty of power (dual core, 8 gigs ram, dedicated vidcard), I figured KoLmafia would run like a dream on it! So I get it, install, and lo and behold... bupkiss. The login screen runs fine and/or dandy. But the adventure bit simply never appears... what could...
  2. D

    How to configure one-click wossname?

    As stated in the thread, I haven't the foggiest how to go about this.. I've found my vars_DrKirre.txt file, but none of the variables it says to change are in there. In fact, it's pretty darn.. empty. I've ascended a few times using the various ascend.ash bits, but for the life of me I can't...