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    Bug - Fixed Generate Irony

    The current PvP season gives an item, Book of Irony. When used, this grants the skill Generate Irony, which can be used once per day to summon a spoon. This should get the same breakfast treatment as the other PvP summon skills.
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    New Content - Implemented Rumpus Room change

    From the trivial updates: It would be nice if breakfast automatically clicked these for us.
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    Bug equip( item item, familiar familiar ) fails when redundant

    Most versions of equip will simply do nothing if the desired state has already been reached: The one for familiar equipment is different. It instead gives an error:
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    Bug Approaching produce stand as werebeast resets sidequestOrchardCompleted

    In the wereprofessor path, you can successfully return the heart of the filthworm queen as a werebeast, and KoLmafia correctly sets the sidequestOrchardComplete property. However, if you click the stand again, you get the "As you approach the store, someone slams the door, flips the sign to...
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    Bug cyrptTotalEvilness = 998

    Lately, after using the GUI to adventure in the cyrpt subzones, I've been unable to go to the haert, until I go use the relay browser. I encountered the issue just now and saw the problem: cyrptTotalEvilness was set to 998. Apparently, it was set to decremented to 0, which set it to 999, but...
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    Bug UI text sometimes truncated

    I'm running Windows 11 and have two monitors. One is 3840x2160, running at 150% scaling, the other 1920x1080, running at 100% scaling. I've encountered issues with text not fitting and thus getting truncated with ellipsis. I'd previously thought that it was only on my 4K monitor, due to the...
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    New Content Sept-Ember Censer

    Normally, new IotMs get threads here to consolidate discussion of them, but there wasn't one for this yet, so I made it. You gain 7 embers each day, but only on using the item (similar to how the 2002 Mr. Store works, except that you carry over unused embers from the previous day). Right now...
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    Bug - Fixed Missing multiusable items

    I occasionally get messages regarding item multiusability. Usually, I just ignore them, assuming someone else will already have noticed it (especially for new content). I just now decided to go through this year's sessions logs and compile those messages. I then compared it to the current...
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    Bug Rain Monster counter outside of Heavy Rains

    If you fight one of the Heavy Rains wanderers outside of the Heavy Rains path, KoLmafia will still set up a counter predicting when the next one will appear. I noticed this as a result of getting an alley catfish via "Aug. 8th: Cat Day!" yesterday.
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    Bug - Won't Fix Ginormous pumpkin ambiguity in get_campground()

    As noted in this thread, ginormous pumpkins are unique in that they can exist both as a harvestable garden crop and as housing. In either case, get_campground() will return "ginormous pumpkin => 1", so any script checking for that can potentially have false positives and will need to instead use...
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    Bug Server issue: error 431

    When I try to access anything on, I get this error message:
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    Bug Melvign quest not detected from relay browser

    If you use the KoLmafia interface to use the Letter for Melvign the Gnome, it'll set the questM22Shirt to started. If you use the letter in the relay browser, this doesn't happen.
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    Bug - Fixed Recent change broke maximizing with accessory requirement

    I have a Powerful Glove in my inventory. And yet: > maximize item, equip powerful glove Maximizer: item, equip powerful glove Maximizing... 48 combinations checked, best score 314.31 (FAIL) Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes. See the Modifier Maximizer for further...
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    Bug Maximizer unaware of unique item pull restriction

    I used the maximizer in ronin with the pullable/buyable option, and it suggested pull two of the same weapon to dual-wield. However, only one of each item can be pulled each day, so that second pull would be impossible. After pulling and equipping one of that weapon and updating the maximizer...
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    Bug Crimbo Cafe '21 still considered available

    The bread pie and clear Russian from last Crimbo are still showing up as possibilities in the food/booze tabs, even though that NPC store is no longer available.
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    Bug - Fixed Wrong fresh coat of paint modifiers on liberating king

    The modifiers on the fresh coat of paint change on liberating the king. At least, they just did for me. KoLmafia is unaware of this and continues to think it has the old stats, until the item description is loaded.
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    Feature Zone-native-only choiceadv as goal

    This is a long shot, but I'd find it very helpful. There are times when I want to adventure in a zone until I get a choice adventure indicating some sort of quest progress. However, thanks to the Hallowiener Dog and June Cleaver, I'm getting a bunch of free choice adventures no matter which zone...
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    Recent problems with batfellow.ash

    I use cheesecookie's batfellow.ash to turn my weekly special edition Batfellow comics into meat, when I'm in aftercore. However, the past two times, I encountered problems with it. I'd get frequent "Whoops! You're not actually in a choice adventure" errors that aborted the script. I'd rerun the...
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    Bug Council quest recognition problem in You, Robot

    There are some problems with how KoLmafia recognizes quest status in You, Robot. For the level 5 quest, the questscouncil.txt entry is missing the <p> tag, but I think this doesn't manifest as a problem because the quest status is also being updated by the map item. Still, here's the quest...
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    Bug - Fixed You, Robot CPU upgrades not detected until new one purchased

    I started a KoLmafia session on day of my You, Robot run. Initially, it was unable to detect my CPU upgrades: it wouldn't let me use potions and thought I was missing the +2 all resistances. Looking at the upgrades available for purchase via the relay browser didn't change this. However, when I...