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  1. F

    Bug synthesize: Greed fails if selected item is not in mall

    There is no Shrubble Bubble available in the mall, but instead of choosing an available item the function fails > synthesize Synthesis: Greed Searching for "Shrubble Bubble"... Search complete. Searching for "Shrubble Bubble"... Search complete. You need 1 more Shrubble Bubble to continue.
  2. F

    Bug - Fixed Runaway causes mafia to report "cannot find monster"

    Running the same macro I have been for several years, but in the last week or so I get a "cannot find monster" error and no output of the macro actually being run: Visit to Dinseylandfill: Barf Mountain in progress... [1105739] Barf Mountain Encounter: garbage tourist Round 0: fxer wins...
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    Bug Bander runaways not tracking properly (possibly snokebomb and others as well)

    Noticed my script was choking in the last several days while doing runaways. 3 snokebomb, 3 navel, ~30 from a heavy bander, etc. First I noticed snokebomb was failing to work even though mafia recorded _snokebombUsed=1 so I entered a combat manually and indeed the snokebomb option was not there...
  4. F

    Bug - Not A Bug excludes keyword for maps?

    I recently got a bunch of errors in cc_ascend's cc_util.ash about parentheses mismatch, but it looks like mafia doesn't like the "excludes" keyword all over that file. Making a small test: if($monsters[Animated Mahogany Nightstand] excludes $monster[goth giant]){ print('glorp'); } Expected )...
  5. F

    New Content - Implemented Choice advs changed in Haunted Library

    Mafia aborts when adventuring in the library and hitting this choice adv now, possibly because of the trivial update? Trivial Updates: January 07 - A dictionary can now be found in the library, making the Baron's quest finishable again. The one in Spookyraven Manor, not the one across from the...
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    Feature - Implemented Track Mafia thumb ring gained adventures

    The mafia thumb ring sometimes gives advs after combat, doesn't even require a crit like the vivala, with the message: "You walloped your enemy so thoroughly, thanks to your weighty thumb ring, that you actually knocked them back into last week.... guess this current fight didn't take any...
  7. F

    Bug - Fixed NPE when using maximize command

    Just started happening today, I could roll back a few builds if necessary and find where it starts. Currently using r18140.jar. NPEs happen both from the gCLI and from the maximize() command within scripts for me. From the 'birthday suit' outfit while using a jumpsuited hound dog: > maximize...
  8. F

    Bug - Not A Bug KoL combat macros abort on limited use combat items with no message

    I seem to be getting aborts on every combat that funkslings now, such as "item 4d camera, miniborg strangler"
  9. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Unable to invoke vampout

    the cli command 'vampout' was working in 17272 but appears to be completely missing in 17274?
  10. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Open the Bag o' Tricks dailylimit proxy record is "-1" instead of "3"

    Open the Bag o' Tricks dailylimit proxy record is "-1" instead of "3" Looks like $skill[open the bag o' tricks].timescast is tracking properly, but .dailylimit is set to -1 when you can open the bag in combat 3 times per day
  11. F

    Bug $familiar[llama lama].delevel == false

    The llama spits in 20% of combats which delevels the opponent, shouldn't the .delevel field be true?
  12. F

    Bug - Fixed AT buffs being shrugged even with 4 songs available?

    Is it desired behavior that if you have 4 AT songs available, say via the passive AT skill, that when you only have 3 songs active and run "mood execute" that would add a 4th, mafia shrugs one of your current 3 buffs?
  13. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Ouija Board, Ouija Board not adding +5lb fam weight

    Maximizer is not considering the Ouija board when doing "maximize familiar weight", and "modtrace familiar" also doesn't show the Ouija board +5fam weight when it is equipped. The Gear Changer pane does say it provides +5fam weight, just looks like that doesn't go into Mafia's calculations?
  14. F

    Bug - Fixed having both a macro and consult script fails in [default] section of ccs

    For the simple ccs below, candyblast is fired against every monster encountered. but breaking candyblast out into its own [angry tourist] section works fine? It's like the 'if' statements are stripped out of the [default] ccs. [ default ] if monstername angry tourist skill candyblast endif...
  15. F

    Possible to funksling with autoPutty?

    I have mafia set to autoPutty a monster, and it works, but it only throws one of my available putty items. Is it possible to make it funksling both the putty sheet and rain-doh box? Or if you don't have funksling use 2 rounds of throwing putty items?
  16. F

    Bug - Not A Bug today_to_string() returns game date, not system date

    Maybe the wiki description is inaccurate, but it states today_to_string() will return your system date, whereas gameday_to_string() will return the actual kol date. However it's 11:30pm on may 30th on my system, and today_to_string() is returning 20160531. So is today_to_string() actually...
  17. F

    Feature Enable tab-key on Purchases pane

    A few years ago I believe I could hit 'tab' from the Item to Find box to jump to the Search limit box, then hit enter to search. However at some point the tab key stopped working on the Purchases pane. Was this so you didn't accidentally tab to the 'purchase' button and buy something? Seems like...
  18. F

    Feature Add skill.boris proxy record, repurpose proxy record

    Add skill.songof proxy record, repurpose proxy record The $skill proxy record has a field 'song' that appears to contain only Avatar of Boris/Dreadsylvanian songs, not songs cast by Accordion Thiefs. The proxy record also has a 'buff' field where S/TT/AT buffs are all lumped...
  19. F

    Feature - Implemented Revisit "Four Songs" and "Additional Song" boolean modifiers

    There are now several ways to go over holding 4 songs in your head. Currently a non-AT can get up to 5, an AT can go all the way to 7. If it is considered a bug: the boolean_modifier("additional song") returns true when you have the AT passive skill Mariachi Memory, but was originally designed...
  20. F

    Bug - Fixed Inventory not properly refreshing on squeeze anymore?

    For the last several days I've noticed my rollover script has been failing with a "You don't have the item you're trying to equip" which it hasn't done before. I have a single Loathing Legion item in my inventory so it gets used as a helicopter/jackhammer/moondial during the course of a day...