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  1. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed Kolmafia does not let me use Milk of magnesium after spending the unused charge before rollover

    That just says that the effect does not stack. There's nothing stating that you can use a second one if one already exists and have an additional benefit.
  2. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Not A Bug exception: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E175002: connection refused by the server

    Ok. Went in and found setting and knocked it down from 2 to 1. Seems to be working, now.
  3. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Not A Bug exception: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E175002: connection refused by the server

    So, a routine "svn update" command resulted in a number of things returning this message. Debug log included.
  4. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed Ascending set timesRested value to bad value

    It's not just ascending. Starting last night after rollover, when I logged into r25774, I discovered that I only had 1 free rest left out of my 9 free rests. I used that one during skill casting. I just updated to r23774 and logged back in a moment ago and this shows up in the CLI.
  5. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed [NPE introduced in r25754, fixed in r25757] net.sourceforge.kolmafia.swingui.ItemManageFrame could not be loaded

    I just tried downloading a copy of the previous build. r25753 seems to be working fine for me. No errors with that one, and item manager works. So, hopefully that info may help the process.
  6. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed [NPE introduced in r25754, fixed in r25757] net.sourceforge.kolmafia.swingui.ItemManageFrame could not be loaded

    1: I uninstalled Java 8. 2: I re-downloaded the latest Java 17 and ran a repair on it. 3: Downloaded and unzipped This created the "KoLmafia-21.10" application. Which when started, says it's configuring Mafia, then doesn't seem to do anything. 4: Tried downloading the r25754.jar...
  7. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed [NPE introduced in r25754, fixed in r25757] net.sourceforge.kolmafia.swingui.ItemManageFrame could not be loaded

    This showed up in CLI soon after loggin in: Debug log included.
  8. VladYvhuce

    New Content bottled Vampire Vintner the October 2021 IotM

    According to clannies, the Crown/Bjorn main function is +10 HP. I'm in Gel Noob, so it's a little harder to research. But secondary function is healing (I only had 7 adventures to work with, but 10-12 for those).
  9. VladYvhuce

    Character Info Toolbox

    I seem to be running into an issue where I can only get the gear chooser options to display favorites if I set it to default, which causes Items, ML, etc to show up and prevent quest items from showing up. I only want favorites and quest items to show up. Edit: I got some sleep and now see what...
  10. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed -buddy-bjorn and -crownofthrones maximizer keywords failing when bjorn or crown isn't equipped

    Apart from trying to save on clicks, why not just equip the buddy bjorn manually?
  11. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed -buddy-bjorn and -crownofthrones maximizer keywords failing when bjorn or crown isn't equipped

    I don't know much about maximizer strings. So, from a layman's view, it looks like you're giving conflicting commands.
  12. VladYvhuce

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    Windows 10: Edition Windows 10 Home Version 21H1 Installed on ‎7/‎29/‎2020 OS build 19043.1165 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3530.0 Java: Version 8 Update 301 (64 bit) Release date July 20, 2021 [edit]: Now it's working. > tcrs test Seal Clubber, Mongoose...
  13. VladYvhuce

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    tcrs test Seal Clubber, Mongoose is what I typed in both times, which resulted in the debug log. So, yes, it's crashing when that's put in.
  14. VladYvhuce

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    tcrs test fails for Seal Clubber, Mongoose.