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  1. D

    Feature - Implemented Ability to specify a range of session logs to open.

    Just because I'm stupid, what system are you using there to convert int startday into a date ? Or maybe we can just do string name, string date (YYYYMMDD) and return that log, and let handling multiple be a script issue?
  2. D

    New Content - Implemented December 2018 IotM - Boxing Daycare!

    Yeah, it's horrible. The way the item parsing works, "You lose an item: " is one result to parse, "hardboiled egg" is another, and "(44)" is a third! Might try working out how to change it before it hits item parsing back into something that will work. Or probably just handle in manually in...
  3. D

    New Content - Implemented October ItoM : latte lovers member's mug

    I wonder if this is ever going to be found!
  4. D

    New Content - Implemented December 2018 IotM - Boxing Daycare!

    Those will certainly happen at some point
  5. D

    Bug Experience Safari

    Ok, I think we are hitting issues, at least on shruggability due to effect to skill lookup not getting populated, as you can't cast on yourself. Same for Employee of the Month. So we probably need a new category, buff other, which may nor may not be shruggable, with appropriate code in...
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    Bug Experience Safari

    Is there a category of unshrugable buff/curse skill this should work the same as, or is this a new thing needing new support?
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    New Content - Implemented December 2018 IotM - Boxing Daycare!

    Outfit pool skill bonus also scales!
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    New Content - Implemented December 2018 IotM - Boxing Daycare!

    r19024 adds this and some basic, lightly tested, daycare tracking. Annoyingly the item loss message when you recruit instructors isn't standard and doesn't yet work. <table><tr><td valign=center>You lose an item: </td><td><img...
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    New Content - Implemented December 2018 IotM - Boxing Daycare!

    We'll want to spade the Beret, unless someone has? Todd 317 HP 30 WD 44 Todd 649 HP 32 WD 46 Todd 992 HP 34 WD 48 Todd 1505 HP 35 WD 49
  10. D

    New Content - Implemented December 2018 IotM - Boxing Daycare!

    r19023 - Note, if you post the data from session logs rather than CLI, it will contain tabs in the right places and can be copy and pasted straight into the data files by us, which avoids our typos.
  11. D

    New Content - Implemented December 2018 IotM - Boxing Daycare!

    r19022, which also tracks daycareOpen, _daycareSpa and _daycareNap.
  12. D

    Bug - Fixed Multicrafting w/ Corner Cutter + Rapid Prototyping: _expertCornerCutterUsed unchanged

    I tried a few things and didn't hit an issue. However, I haven't yet tried multi crafting a two stage recipe, and I ran out of corners to cut. If someone can generate that issue, capturing a debug log with the page would be useful.
  13. D

    How does the maimizer handle conflicting requests?

    It should certainly fail, as it won’t meet all the requirements. Currently it won’t give an error (though it will ‘fail’) and will maximise everything else ignoring required items etc. This is because high score plus fail beats low score plus fail. You could put in checks and get it to give a...
  14. D

    New Content - Implemented Voter Registration Form

    Yes, as we don't support that modifier in Mafia at present.
  15. D

    New Content - Implemented Voter Registration Form

    r19013 adds the vote monster to the Ballot visit.