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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Can you post the stack trace, or send it to me?
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    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Tattered scrap battleAction

    "item tattered scrap of paper" does not seem to be accepted in the battleAction box on the adventure tab, and possibly causing a bug displayed in the following section of log:
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Gedit should work fine. That's what I used for the first few revisions of the script. I'm personally rather fond of SciTE as well.
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    I have no idea what happened there. Before each adventure, it should list the adventure number like "Adventure 106 out of 116". There is no such marker before some of the turns, such as the one you got beaten up on. I honestly don't have the time right now to work out what is wrong, but if...
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Ah, whoops >.> Fixed.
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    SmartStasis -- a complex script for a simple CCS

    "Is not, the end Korean hereupon the bedspread." That's what wordlingo gives as a translation with that replaced >.>
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    That's a mafia feature, not anything from my script.
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    As slyz said, the goodkitty and badkitty properties do exist. Regarding using zlib variables, I've chosen specifically not to use zlib, because most of the users of this script are very new to mafia. I'd prefer not to force people to download anything more than they have to.
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    PullCrap! A script to buy stuff before ascension, and pull it after.

    You could also do something like "cli_execute("buy "+number-item_amount(it)+" "+it);"
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Did that fix it?
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    I haven't touched the handling for engulfed in ages. It should use mafia's settings for handling engulfed. What do you have that set to?
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Wow, I saw that request this morning, and figured I would work on it after I got home from classes. Instead I'm greeted with the pleasant surprise of someone having done the work for me! I hope you don't mind if I steal that bit of code from you, Bale.
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    Contest: Name my upcoming combat script!

    So the math on the poll there seems to be a little off. Last time I checked, 25+25+50+25+25+25+25 != 100
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Are you absolutely positive you haven't changed anything since yesterday? As to continuously trying to buy a radio, that would have to be a mafia problem. I simply use the "mcd <10/11>" command to change the mcd and acquire one if necessary
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    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    "maximize Spell Damage Percent"
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Try typing "get goodkitty" and "get badkitty" into the gCLI, and pasting the results here.
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    It seems my server has once again gone down, possibly for good this time. Until I get something worked out, the first post has the latest version.
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    I fixed the default settings, without bumping the version number.
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    How exactly did you set your "goodkitty" and "badkitty" familiar choices? In any case, by a request I received, I have updated the script to account for all sauceror spells. I'll add in the capped pasta spells when I get a chance.
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    What are you worth? networth.ash will tell you.

    But should it treat "I have 1 apple and 2 oranges" as 12?