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  1. fewyn

    Latest SVN Updates Section not updating

    ...and now fixed.
  2. fewyn

    Latest SVN Updates Section not updating

    I haven't had time been too busy with work. I'm actually now updating it.
  3. fewyn

    Bug - Not A Bug Item Manager just won't show up

    I think I've narrowed the issue down to the httpKeepAliveTimeout setting in Jenkins. Let me know if you still have a problem.
  4. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for
  5. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    The IP address must have been picked up by another person at DigitalOcean since the server went down =p
  6. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    That is now also fixed.
  7. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    I forgot to restart Apache, which has been done.
  8. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    Final reminder I will be shutting down tomorrow and redirecting it to the new build site.
  9. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    I will be shutting down and redirecting on Monday Feburary 29th, 2016. In the next few days hopefully I'll be able to setup some new direct links for the latest builds directly on the forums.
  10. fewyn

    Introducing KoLmafia Daily Downloader is about the best I can do doesn't seem to be an API that will throw out the most recent changes
  11. fewyn

    Introducing KoLmafia Daily Downloader

    I'll look into it to see if there's a way I can get it to show the change log better for you. There might be a way.
  12. fewyn

    Introducing KoLmafia Daily Downloader

    Hey wrldwzrd89 can you look into updating this to the new builds site?
  13. fewyn

    EXE Builds

    I think the reason we originally started building them was because we had some users who were unable to install JAVA for some reason. I'm not quite sure if we have anyone who does that still though.
  14. fewyn

    EXE Builds

    So now that I have the new build server up and running. What is everyones opinions on EXE builds? I know there's some people who still use them I think, should I only build them once a week? A day? Every time there's a new build? Should I completely stop building them?
  15. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    The builds page will eventually redirect to Jenkins automatically. All the auto updaters will need to be converted to the new site to work.
  16. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    That would be because I forgot to install imagemagick. It is now.
  17. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    Sorry about the downtime earlier... Jenkins decided it needed an 87gb log file...
  18. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    or to simplify it you can and for the latest build
  19. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    If anyone is interested in scripting the new build server. is the API for the main "job" you can use it to get the latest build # and then go to<NUMBER>/api/json (Ex: )...
  20. fewyn

    New Goodies Incoming for

    The zip link I linked will always have the most recent file in it, the link Theraze linked you'd have to scrape I think to get the direct link to the jar. There's some api stuff I haven't digged into yet though that might make it easier though. Will have to poke at it more though.