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  1. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    As a hacky fix, I added this to my afterAdventureScript if (my_inebriety()>inebriety_limit()) { visit_url("charpane.php"); } That will reset Mafia's inebriety_limit
  2. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I logged out and logged back in again after adventuring and overdrinking. Mafia now reports inebriety_limit() = 14, still with +6 Liver Capacity. Opening and refreshing the Relay browser (and the charpane) correct this to inebriety_limit() = 20
  3. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Some other things I noticed: This problem does not happen with older builds (r27596) In my adventures today, I did not have the relay browser running. Loading the relay browser fixed the problem (I assume because it loaded and parsed the charpane)
  4. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Dev note: if you encounter this issue, then just typing "modtrace liver" in the graphical CLI should be an effective workaround. If not, then it should outline what Mafia thinks contributes to your liver capacity (and either is missing something or has the wrong value for one of these sources --...
  5. ckb

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Unknown variable 'int_array' (BeachComberData.ash, line 100, char 5 to char 14) Expected ;, found array (BeachComberData.ash, line 100, char 15 to char 20) Unknown variable 'array' (BeachComberData.ash, line 100, char 15 to char 20) Function 'parse_json_int_array( buffer )' undefined. This...
  6. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Recall Facts: Monster Habitats now resets on rollover

    This is fixed in r27593 Note that this change also changed the name of the property to have a "_" prefix.
  7. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Recall Facts: Monster Habitats now resets on rollover

    As of today, Monster Habitats now resets on rollover, and Mafia needs to reset "monsterHabitatsFightsLeft" and "monsterHabitatsMonster"
  8. ckb

    New Content A Shrunken Adventurer Am I

    Note to self: when searching for text in Mafia code, search both .java and .txt files
  9. ckb

    New Content A Shrunken Adventurer Am I

    My 'afterlife' and 'museum' relay scripts iterate over Path names to do stuff. Because Mafia and KoL do not agree on the text of this path, my scripts never file this path. Ignoring case or making a special case fixes this, but nice if all things followed KoL's capitalization and used 'am'.
  10. ckb

    New Content A Shrunken Adventurer Am I

    I don't know where the problem happens, but KoL (the game) uses 'am' and not 'Am' This was causing issues where I was searching for path names (in the Museum and Valhalla). I am not sure where or how this impacts Mafia.
  11. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Persistent command history / control history size

    FWIW, my "mpAutoRecoveryItems" preference is way longer than 120 chars, so there is some precedence for a long string. "maximizerMRUList" also has the potential to be a very long string too. I don't think I would use this feature very often, but there have been rare times when I have been...
  12. ckb

    Bug - Waiting for Info 1952 Mickey mantle pick in Deck of Every Card crash

    How are you using this? I have never had a problem. using cli_execute("cheat 1952 Mickey Mantle"); From today: [1744] Deck of Every Card Preference _deckCardsSeen changed from Island|Ancestral Recall to Ancestral Recall|Island Preference _deckCardsDrawn changed from 10 to 14 play 1952 Mickey...
  13. ckb

    Bug does not recognize new Citizen of a Zone modifiers

    If you cast Pledge Allegiance and get 'Citizen of a Zone', Mafia correctly identifies the modifiers. However, if you remove Citizen of a Zone (with SGEEA or such) and pledge to a new Zone, Mafia does not update the citizen modifiers to the new effect.
  14. ckb

    r26152 - BasicScope obsolete comments by @fredg1 in

    FWIW, I made the other report. And it was because I was making blood-faced volleyballs every run (maybe every day?) during the Pizza Oven Times. And while it was workable, it sure was inconvenient to have windows pop up during my automated runs.
  15. ckb

    New Content Perpetrate Mild Evil

    This skill is [mostly] done. As far as I can tell, the pref "_mildEvilPerpetrated" gets set from consequences.txt: COMBAT_SKILL Perpetrate Mild Evil Perpetrate Mild Evil \((\d+) uses? left today\) _mildEvilPerpetrated=[3-$1] However, if you use the skill twice, and...
  16. ckb

    Feature Track flyeredML for hippy and frat separately

    It is indeed possible to get both flyers at the same time. Generally this will only happen if you do the war as a hippy. If you have the Frat Warrior Fatigues, you can get the rock band flyers at any time after the war starts. If you have the War Hippy Fatigues, you can get the jam band flyers...
  17. ckb

    Feature Track flyeredML for hippy and frat separately

    Currently, during the Island War, the total monster level from using either rock band flyers or jam band flyers is combined into a single property 'flyeredML' KoL itself requires the total ML to be the sum of a specific flyer (either rock band or jam band) and it tracks the totals separately...
  18. ckb

    Bug - Fixed lastFriarsNC pref should be reset at ascension start

    I don't have any stake in which option we use. lastFriar... seems to be the original intention, but lastFriars... is the one that gets used and updated currently in practice. I don't know what other scripts use, and they both would have problems (either not updating or not resetting). That...
  19. ckb

    Bug - Fixed lastFriarsNC pref should be reset at ascension start

    The properties lastFriarsElbowNC, lastFriarsHeartNC, lastFriarsNeckNC should be reset to default when starting a new ascension. The current list in 'resetOnAscension' in is : "lastFriarElbowNC", "lastFriarHeartNC", "lastFriarNeckNC", without the 's' for Friars
  20. ckb

    New Content Summer 2023 special challenge path - Legacy of Loathing

    Using a pocket wish does not work correctly in LOL. With a pocket wish in inventory: > genie effect Dirty Pear Dirty Pear is not wishable, but KoLmafia thought it was After using the pocket wish manually in Relay browser, and asking 'to be Dirty Pear': You acquire an effect: Dirty Pear (20)