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  1. ckb

    Deprecate scriptMRU?

    As a single data point, I rarely use the script menu (I usually just type the script name into the CLI) and I have never used the script MRU.
  2. ckb

    Is this possible for ccs - use fury skill only at maxfury

    You ash is missing some things. the if statement needs the expression inside parenthesis. You need to understand how equals signs are used: A single equals sign will set the left side expression to the right side, a double equals sign will do a comparison and return a boolean value (true or...
  3. ckb

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    In Path, In Season, I gathered some html for the skills Hunt and Punt. If someone enterprising wants to add them to Mafia for tracking sniff/banish I am adding them here. I have not done this in the past few months and I might not ever get to it, but posting the files here for the future.
  4. ckb

    Bug Max Drunkenness drops when equipping weapon/off-hand

    This is a know issue and a mystery: Bug - You are too drunk to continue
  5. ckb

    New Content Mayam Calendar

    The CLI command has a bug where 'mayam rings' with no parameters gives an Unexpected error: Unexpected error, debug log printed. class java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1 at...
  6. ckb

    New Content Mayam Calendar

    This is mostly done, but adding this thread for completeness. See CLI command: mayam rings yam|sword|vessel|fur|chair|eye yam|lightning|bottle|wood|meat yam|eyepatch|cheese|wall yam|clock|explosion - list exactly four symbols to consider from top to bottom (largest ring to smallest)
  7. ckb

    Bug - Fixed Mafia thinks Numberology summons to last adventured zone

    This looks like it is due to Mafia not knowing how these fights work in in, line 2995: // If this was an item-generated monster, reset KoLAdventure.setNextAdventure(KoLAdventure.lastVisitedLocation); Commenting out this line solves the location reset for...
  8. ckb

    Bug - Fixed Mafia thinks Numberology summons to last adventured zone

    This is related to Also - There are some other things that do not correctly manage location, like $location[Trick-or-Treating]
  9. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Allow monster EA: none

    I've started working on this. Updating monsters.txt is the big chore... this might be easier if that files was ordered differently, but it should be a one-time thing. A question to those in the know (probably @Veracity ): Some monsters have "E: element", and some have "ED: element EA: element"...
  10. ckb

    Command to upkeep Adobe Armor Subscription buffs?

    Apparently you will need this command instead: ashq visit_url("inventory.php?pwd="+my_hash()+"&itemid=11513&action=adobesubscribe",false);
  11. ckb

    Feature Mafia doesn't stop automation when /timer times out

    You could use Mafia Counters A counterScript can be used to do various things (like stop) when counters run out.
  12. ckb

    Command to upkeep Adobe Armor Subscription buffs?

    You could try this (untested): trigger lose_effect, Adobe Adze Subscription, ashq visit_url("inventory.php?itemid=11513&action=adobesubscribe");
  13. ckb

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Protector Beast monster needs attributes updated to match Protector Spectre Protector Beast 2442 protspect.gif BOSS NOCOPY Atk: 164 Def: 151 HP: 100 Init: 30 P: undead Article: a [2180]ancient amulet (n100) spectre scepter (n100) Protector Spectre 450 protspect.gif NOCOPY...
  14. ckb

    Bug - Fixed Death Rattlin / 5 does not decrement cyrptCrannyEvilness

    Choosing Option 5 in choiceAdventure523 does not correctly decrement cyrptCrannyEvilness by 11. [262] The Defiled Cranny Preference lastEncounter changed from Adjust your Parka to Death Rattlin' Encounter: Death Rattlin' In choiceAdventure523 Submitting option 5 for choice 523 Preference...
  15. ckb

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Right - I also check that +ML <= 25 as a Prof. I don't have a single script that does this... more like a giant web of scripts that is tied to the rest of my custom ascension scripts I have been working on. I'll try to pull out the relevant parts to share.
  16. ckb

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    I agree it would be nice to have the turns left be available, either through a property or an ash command. Right now I use my own fuction to parse charpane.php For your (2) and (3) those sounds like great things for a before-/after- adventure script. That is what I am doing now after getting...
  17. ckb

    New Content - Implemented Everfull Dart Holster

    BALLS = Basic Automated Loathing Language Scripts Its the KoL native combat macro system
  18. ckb

    New Content - Implemented Everfull Dart Holster

    Yes, See Macros in CCS
  19. ckb

    New Content - Implemented Everfull Dart Holster

    KoL will make the translation for you if you submit a BALLS macro, so "skill Darts: Throw at butt; " becomes Round 1: ckb1 casts DARTS: THROW AT %PART1!
  20. ckb

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    No - once you use Advanced Research on a monster you cannot Research it again, no matter if it was a double (5rp) Research or a triple (10rp) Research. It would be really nice to have a property that is a list of monster IDs we have used Research on. Now I am setting my own property as a comma...