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  1. ckb

    Some thoughts on faxbots

    I don't know exactly how the Mafia faxbot support works, but I believe that Mafia gets an xml file from the faxbot that list all monsters available. See 'KOLMafia\data\easyfax.xml' that should be in your data folder. You should be able to iterate by parsing this for all faxbots without server hits.
  2. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Allow monster EA: none

    Finally got around to submitting this:
  3. ckb

    Scripting "chat with Burly Bodyguard"

    Here is my ASH script for chatting with a BG: //check if Avant Guard familiar [Burly Bodyguard] can 'chat' boolean ChkAGCanChat() { return (to_int(get_property("bodyguardCharge"))>=50); } //Chatting with your Burly Bodyguard, select next Bodyguard monster boolean SetAGChatMon(monster mon)...
  4. ckb

    Bug - Won't Fix Mafia doesn't know that sphygmayomanometer from mayo clinic melts on rollover.

    Marking this as "Won't fix" because there are simple solutions per Ryo above.
  5. ckb

    Bug - Fixed Mafia doesn't see too much meat in closet

    @bsander can you confirm this was fixed with r28075?
  6. ckb

    Bug Fire flower can't be managed in the mall

    > ash $item[fire flower] Multiple matches for "fire flower"; using "[10462]fire flower". (char 7 to char 18) Clarify by using one of: $item[[2426]fire flower] $item[[10462]fire flower] You should try using the item # in your request instead of the item name, given the ambiguity of "fire flower"
  7. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Suggestion: -fold option for maximizer

    Yes, when maximizerFoldables==false, maximize will not suggest folding any items. I use this to set foldable items (Boris Helm, Pete's Jacket, Ed Crown, Garbage tote, Backup camera, Umbrella, Parka, etc.) to my preferred setting before I maximize.
  8. ckb

    New Content Path Avant Guard

    It seems like Spooky VHS Tapes work weird in this path too. From my last run, the VHS monster triggered - a bodyguard was instakilled, then you fight the VHS monster normally. This does not correctly reset the counter.
  9. ckb

    New Content Path Avant Guard

    Bodyguard chat added in r28076
  10. ckb

    New Content Path Avant Guard

    Note: the Bodyguard Chat is available when "charpane.php" contains "talktobg=1"
  11. ckb

    New Content Path Avant Guard

    "_locketMonstersFought" will increment monsters for both the bodyguard and the locket monster This makes it look like you have spent 2 locket reminisce for every monster fought
  12. ckb

    Bug Mafia Thinks Tom Drum fight takes place in shadow rifts.. if you were adventuring in shadow rifts

    There are a few summoned fights that do not track or switch location correctly. Also see:
  13. ckb

    New Content Path Avant Guard

    No new monsters
  14. ckb

    Mafia's fortune teller inputs

    You can set those with the properties: clanFortuneReply1 clanFortuneReply2 clanFortuneReply3 clanFortuneWord1 clanFortuneWord2 clanFortuneWord3
  15. ckb

    New Content Path Avant Guard

    New Path Avant Guard Things to do: add Path to path list add Burly Bodyguard familiar handle Burly Bodyguard Chat This happens every so often (some number of bodyguard fights?) your next enemy will have the selected monster as its bodyguard add something to check when a 'chat' is available...
  16. ckb

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce No chatting with bodyguard familiar link in relay browser

    I just stared an Avant Guard run and I have a chat link in my charpane. My current turncount is 82.
  17. ckb

    Bug - Fixed item_fact() no monster NPE

    New Path Avant Guard I just started this and my first combat is: Script execution aborted (java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.sourceforge.kolmafia.MonsterData.getId()" because "monster" is null): This was from: Preference lastEncounter changed from Adjust your Parka to...
  18. ckb

    Bug - Not A Bug Automated bounty hunting does not function

    Does this happen every time? What is your ccs? Can you post a debug log from the fight? in the CLI, type 'debug on' run an adventure where you get the error type 'debug off' post the debug file from your Mafia folder
  19. ckb

    Bug - Not A Bug Automated bounty hunting does not function

    I could not reproduce this at all. Do you have something set in your autoattack? Do you have other fight scripts running? This is what I get: [719] The Overgrown Lot Preference lastEncounter changed from sewer snake with a sewer snake in it to cooler wino Encounter: cooler wino Preference...