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  1. ckb

    Bug Maximizer suggests breaking Slimesuit for a worse result.

    What is your "maximizerCombinationLimit" ? And do you get different results if you add "-tie"? And what happens if you remove all your equipment fist? I find these three things can lead to changes in maximizer results, especially when your inventory is large (like in Aftercore).
  2. ckb

    r28177 - What's Changed [*]fix: record lastCombatActions even if not writing to session log by

    I originally gated this behind the property "logBattleAction" because "lastCombatActions" is logging battle actions, and I thought someone might want to turn if off, or at least not have to update another property with every combat round... but I can see it either way. Making it log 100% of the...
  3. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Track combat actions

    PR submitted:
  4. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Track combat actions

    My current setup has this as semicolor delimited list of actions, with skill id (sk#) and item id (it#) like this: steal;sk7247;sk7245;it5560;it5561;it9104;sk4034;sk7293;it2;it2402;it8935;sk3008; There is also "runaway", "jiggle", "twiddle", "attack". These all come from parsing already done...
  5. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Track combat actions

    I have a proof-of-concept PR in work that adds some output from I am likely forgetting some edge cases, but it seems to work with my limited testing. I'll wait a day or so for feedback on this idea then submit.
  6. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Track combat actions

    It would be useful to track a history of actions that were done in combat to help inform future combat decisions (for the same combat). That is, track items and skills used so far during a combat. I envision a parseable list if skills and item IDs saved into a property like "_lastCombatActions"...
  7. ckb

    Issue with wham.php?

    This is most likely related to
  8. ckb

    r28154 - What's Changed [*]feat: parse takerspace ingredients, detect anchor bomb banish by

    Why are the properties _ ? They do not reset at rollover, they just add up. Like "availableSeptEmbers"
  9. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Bugbear Invasion Mothership tracking

    I am seim-confident I can make a PR to add the tracking. I know just enough to be dangerous and probably get this done. I also know that it will be requested that I add tests, and I have no idea how to do that. I will try to capture some HTML on my next run through the BI Mothership to help...
  10. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Bugbear Invasion Mothership tracking

    It would be helpful to track a number of things done in the Bugbear Invasion Mothership. General path tracking is complete per Some properties to add for the Mothership: track # of [handful of juicy garbage] used = juicyGarbageUsed...
  11. ckb

    WTF Relay script collection

    I did a thing. And that was to make a quick relay script for TakerSpace. It uses WTF and Ezandoa's Choice-Override I am not keen on updates and probably should move everything to git and clean this up, but for now I am just posting the script here in case anyone wants to use it or copy it or...
  12. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Even weirder, running those commands twice in a row, the second time mi inebriety swaps back and forth: Taking off everything... Everything removed. Returned: 20 Wielding saucepan... Familiar weight: KoL = 46 KoLmafia = 45 Equipment changed. Returned: 14 Taking off everything... Everything...
  13. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    For Science - I tried those same things. This first bunch of commands and the second. The first ran fine, but the second had issues: Returned: 20 Wielding Staff of the Grand Flambé... Equipment changed. Returned: 20 Taking off everything... Everything removed. Returned: 20 Maximizer: Loading...
  14. ckb

    PowerShell to Auto-Update KoLmafia

    As a third option, you can create a shortcut to the .ps1 file, then edit the 'Target' to %windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ".\KoLMafia-Updater.ps1" double-clicking that shortcut will run the PS1
  15. ckb

    PowerShell to Auto-Update KoLmafia

    Powershell is a Microsoft Windows scripting language. If you are on Windows, create a text file, copy and paste the code above into this file, then save it and rename it with a .ps1 extension. Right-click and choose 'Run with PowerShell'
  16. ckb

    Bug Flagellate Flagon is not tracked properly

    marked as reusable in r28123 (thats the easy part) We still need to add a preference for it
  17. ckb

    Bug - Fixed Does mafia consider flagellate flagon consumed on use?

    marked as reusable in r28123
  18. ckb

    Bug Flagellate Flagon is not tracked properly

    This is the same as: