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  1. snooty

    Modified mushroom script to produce 3rd +4th gen crop

    Yes, I know it's been quite some time since anyone posted in this thread. I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to update Sandiman's MaxShrooms.ash. I've looked at the other options available, and quite frankly his has operated brilliantly until the Degrassi renovations. Sandi hasn't logged...
  2. snooty

    GameInform Script Request

    My hero!! Thanks for taking the time to do this and the super fast response, it does all I need it to do. Look for my gushing kmail filled with hugs and fillet mignon!
  3. snooty

    GameInform Script Request

    Nothing fancy, just something that will use/read a magazine, then adventure in the necessary locations. I don't know how hard that would be to script so compensation is definitely negotiable, my unDYING gratitude is just an awesome bonus. Reply here or contact me ingame, same name. Thanks!
  4. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Heh, can we have a setting for that too? Personally I don't care about speed. So, yes, soft core/out of ronin, not casual.
  5. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Level 11 Starting BCC: We have completed the stage [macguffinprelim]. BCC: We have completed the stage [macguffinpalin]. BCC: We have completed the stage [hits]. BCC: We have completed the stage [macguffinspooky]. BCC: We have completed the stage [macguffinpyramid]. BCC...
  6. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Because I am the gift that just keeps on giving...I can't grab the most recent SVN version of BCA, it stalls mid download. Everything else works fine for me, so, it can't be my connection. If someone could *please* post an alternate download link I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
  7. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    No, poop spent the advs at the poop deck, not the cove. I don't know how it checks for below decks being open, but since it went to the poop deck and not the cove I'm guessing the failure is in how it checks for talisman, gaudy key(s), or below decks being open. It'll be a day or two...
  8. snooty

    Nemesis quest script

    Hey thanks for that quick fix! I'm not sure if I need to run it again today, but I know I definitely will tomorrow. I'll be sure to alert you to any more hiccups :)
  9. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Sorry, just saw this. No, absolutely nothing of note whatsoever. Day X ends with 1 guady key, next day begins with, oddly enough, the trapper, then an assload of wasted advs in the poop deck. No mention of anything out of the ordinary that I can see.
  10. snooty

    Nemesis quest script

    It's definitely not my connection. Hopefully it'll be resolved soon, whatever the issue may be!
  11. snooty

    Nemesis quest script

    Updating passive_damage_sources.txt from '2012-02-16T08:57:02-06:00' to ''... Error loading passive_damage_sources.txt from the Map Manager. Something happened while loading the passive damage sources data file. Could not obtain the hellseal disguise. Restoring initial settings... CCS set to...
  12. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Thanks, Winterbay! Looking forward to trying it out over the next few days.
  13. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    In the hopes that no one else gets screwed out of an ungodly amount of adventures, for some reason BCA fails to recognize that Below Decks is open if you have to stop before getting the Talisman. Or something. I have no idea. It just wasted a day's advs in the poop deck waiting for Below Decks...
  14. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Ok, now that I've got everything actually running, there's one small issue. After gaining the mosquito larva, BCA seems to lose its marbles in the forest. I end up with a metric ass-load of spooky mushrooms, vampire capes, and no organ of steel. Organ of steel is stupid easy to get on day 1 if...
  15. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    There is no "ignore MCD" setting, there are, however, ignore safe mox and allowML settings. I *think* you might have confused the *disable* MCD setting with "ignore". If you have this bcasc_disableMCD set to true, it doesn't ignore the MCD, it makes sure the MCD is set at 0. I think if you set...
  16. snooty

    bumcheekascend.ash - Relay Script

    I use regular old FireFox, and that didn't do anything for me, just got a warning that I didn't have any settings specified and therefore BCA would assume certain things. Now I'm stuck again after finally getting BCA to work for me. Help us Obi Wan Winterbay, you're our only hope! >.<
  17. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Now the bumSeMan Settings Manager 0.2 choice list has entirely disappeared from my relay browser. Functioned normally until just a few minutes ago.
  18. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Great, that works for some reason. Thanks! Of course, in the gCLI it now says there's a new version <.<
  19. snooty

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Theraze, I honestly have no idea. Just working off the link supplied. I don't know what the revision "listing" is, I just right clicked/save as etc off the download link. I assumed it was BCA itself. However, I get the same error when working from the sourceforge link supplied in the main post...