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  1. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Well color me surprised!
  2. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Heh. I'm off to bed atm, but I'll get on that tomorrow. I'm assuming we still just kmail Jick for this sort of thing?
  3. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    So, I just got the ziggurat today. Once the hidden temple stuff is completed, and you can no longer adv at the ziggurat, wouldn't this be a bug on KoL's end? Why would the sot send us some place we literally can not adv in?
  4. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    A small bit of weirdness today, got Oil Peak, script handled it without issue. Got the Haunted Bathroom, which it has done before without issue, but today I got the "Nemesis lair" message. Maybe it's "freaking out" when it can't connect to the server? I really have no clue what could cause this...
  5. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    I can't do much, but whenever shit pops off I can always let you know about it ;) Speaking of which, it gets...weird...when Oil Peak is the target area. More than once I've gotten a "Nemesis lair" not! These things have 0 relation, made me chuckle though, so there's...
  6. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Just got the hippy camp again, and again mafia insists that area is not available :(
  7. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Okay, 14 iterations later, still no hippy camp. Everything seems to be going well, but, is it possible to auto-abort if Sonofa Beach pops up as the location? I've gotten it a few times, and once I even tried throwing on all the +combat I could. Gave up after ~30 advs (I'm a bit stubborn). I...
  8. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Dude, we're all only human. We all make mistakes, but not everyone has the strength to admit when they have. Kudos to you for being a decent human, and sharing your knowledge in creating scripts for those of us without your skill sets. ❤️ I get to test your update here in a few, I'm excited!
  9. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    So, I noticed an odd thing, the script seems to be randomly resetting the MCD? Or, maybe mafia? I don't recall there being an MCD setting other than the "travel > monster level", have I forgotten one somewhere? Talking to the Milky-Eyed Sot MCD: adjusting to 10... Resetting mind control...
  10. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Next time I get the hippy camp (in mafia it's Mysterious Island: Hippy Camp, no "the"), I'll pay closer attention to the Sot's text. But maybe the problem is the Sot text includes "the"? I mean, it would sound weird if he said "go fetch my shizz from hippy camp".
  11. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Primordial soup seems to be an issue as well unrelated to choice adventures. Going to closet my empty bottles to see if that helps for tomorrow, giving up for today.
  12. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Ran into one more at "the heart of the hidden temple", it went into a kind of loop (even though choices were selected for the area) until I made a choice in the browser, then it carried on with no prompting from me. For that one, it could be the choices I had set were strictly quest related and...
  13. snooty

    How to script a CCS change

    Never post before coffee. In case anyone else should ever need this, it's "ccs ccsscriptnamehere", no quotes, of course.
  14. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Okay, one issue, mafia's insisting (or the script is) I can't adv at the hippy camp for some reason. I beat up frat boys in the war, so, this really makes no sense. > call sot.ash Talking to the Milky-Eyed Sot Cannot adventure at The Hippy Camp
  15. snooty

    How to script a CCS change

    So, I know this is simple, and I'm just forgetting the command, but, I don't know how/where to search for it. I want mafia to switch from one ccs to another, and back again. I know I put this in a script a *long* time ago, but I can't remember which one. Any help appreciated!
  16. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    I've run the new version 4 times so far with 0 issues. Largest turn count was 17 at the Pirate's Cove (60% combat rate there though). One of them even went to the gingerbread thingitz where I had precisely 0 choices set (and no aborts). I guess it's possible those advs just weren't encountered.
  17. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Thank you! I'll give it a whirl tomorrow, and also see if I can't at least add some collectibles to your DC 🥰
  18. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    If I can help in any way, please let me know. I have a small army of abandoned accounts that I collected over the years (and run every day). I'm almost done for the day, but I'll try to remember to check back before I start up tomorrow. Thanks for replying!
  19. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Or omgursodumbyoucantdoash.ash, whatever you want to call it ;) If someone would be willing to whip up a .ash script that will do everything so I never ever have to click in the browser (talk to the Sot, adventure at location X, return and collect milk cap) that would be awesome and I'd be your...
  20. snooty

    Ping pong paddle scripting help

    Dude, thanks for the link! I had no idea that even existed! Most of it's Greek to me, but I created an entirely separate CCS which has this so far... [ default ] if hascombatitem ping-pong ball item ping-pong ball skill saucegeyser endif which works as long as I have ping pong balls :)