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  1. snooty

    Feature - Implemented Relogging to improve ping

    Could someone explain how to use this please? I entered the "prefref antilag_" into the gCLI, and "Name Value Default Scope" pop up, but, I have no idea what to do with any of that. I've been trying to run one account for the last hour and a half now, and manage to get literally *one* adv done...
  2. snooty

    502 errors...just me?

    Everything was chugging along smoothly, then all of a sudden any action makes mafia red and angry with 502 errors flying around willy nilly. Asking here because I'm a walking Murphy's Law and if there was any way possible to trigger this on my end, I'd absolutely find it somehow. Using the most...
  3. snooty


    Snipped out the code bit, Fronobulax kindly pointed me to a thread earlier where I found this...Modifier fix. "Modifier" is now a reserved word, if you still have scripts that aren't fixed yet, changing "modifier" to something like "mod" should do if the git scripts in the link don't work for you.
  4. snooty


    You are just my personal hero this year! ❤️
  5. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    I have most everything deselected on the sessions log page, what would you need me to turn on for that? Also, it's not important, just out of the ordinary in my experience so far. It's still cranking up the MCD, which is really irrelevant at this level, but will it do that upon ascension? I...
  6. snooty


    Mafia's having a fit for the ages over Bastille.ash today, for some reason...uh, halp plz? Reserved word 'modifier' cannot be a variable name (bastille.ash, line 2337, char 52 to char 60) Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2341, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to...
  7. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Heh, I think Magus Prime was right. I *just* got the Haiku Dungeon, and the script handily ignored it and carried on. Sorry I didn't have a hiccup sooner to save you some effort. I only have two accounts left for the day, but I'll download the update to run with those. ETA: Huh. So, this is...
  8. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    I copied his example, will try it with Go though, thanks!
  9. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    I had unexpected free time! This is what I entered into the gCLI: set SOT.noGO=Sonofa Beach | The Bubblin' Caldera | The Dungeons of Doom | The Haiku Dungeon | The Obligatory Pirate's Cove and it did print what I entered, I can do it again tomorrow for copypasta goodness if you need me to.
  10. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    12 iterations without a hitch so far, 6 to go, but I know I won't have time to post later. Haven't run into a no-go zone yet though. ETA: Good thing this happened now, just got sent to Bubblin' Caldera :( And I double checked to make sure I set the preference.
  11. snooty

    Boxing Daycare assistance needed.

    Sunshine and appreciation token it is!
  12. snooty

    Boxing Daycare assistance needed.

    This worked perfectly and cumulatively saved me at least a half hour of real world time. Please let me know how I can compensate you!
  13. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Sweet! Done for the day, but I'll definitely be putting it to the test tomorrow, thank you so much!
  14. snooty

    Boxing Daycare assistance needed.

    In this post Gausie attaches a .patch file. I have no idea what that is, how to use it, if it goes with a script I just can't find, or some secret other thing unknown to me. Just looking to automate recruiting...
  15. snooty

    New Content - Implemented December 2018 IotM - Boxing Daycare!

    My apologies, I know it's been five thousand years since you posted this, but, I generally don't have time to keep current. Also, I have no idea what this is or how to use it. I've never seen a .patch before, and is there a script this goes with somewhere and I just couldn't find it? I'm looking...
  16. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    I would much rather do 0 prep and just forget about it for the day. Bubblin' caldera wastes your hp/mp, and the others are just high non-com areas. Anything I can do to avoid fiddling means more real world time in my day. I could only check back right now because one of my accounts apparently...
  17. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Sorry it's been so long, I have limited time and recruiting toddlers is sucking a lot of it down. Bubblin' caldera, DoD, and Pirate's cove are pretty sucktastic as well. I'd be super happy if I could eliminate bubblin' caldera and sonofa beach though. Hopefully the time gods will be kind to us ;)
  18. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    The fixed ziggurat issue isn't actually fixed. Sent in the report, fingers crossed! So, it seems I downloaded some script that put a copy of vprops in my generic "scripts" folder. In addition to the one that lived in the folder with Veracity's meat farming script (haven't gotten around to...
  19. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    I don't have time to rejigger things today, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. And no, I meant Gingerbreadcity.ash that Veracity made. I usually wait a while after things come out before exploring them so scripts can get made ;) I've got two accounts working on the things involved there, I...
  20. snooty

    Sots Parcel.ash script request

    Okay, so, that didn't work. Guess that's why I could never get Gingerbread city to work. I have no idea where all these copies are, we have had drives die over the years of course, could be my other half copied stuff willy nilly in a panic or something? Anyway, having looked at that link for...