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  1. X

    Castle farming script

    Updated the script a bit. It now eats and spleens up to your characters max fullness and spleen, does the bounty hunter using the script listed in the first post and then drinks up to your max drunkness then over drinks. Thanks to all who suggested changes.
  2. X

    Castle farming script

    Is there a way to skip the BHH part if I add that in if I already have the outfit, sniffy tome, and hounddog? Two of the characters I might be using this with already has all of that.
  3. X

    REQUEST: someone to tell me how exactly you start a script. documentation unhelpful

    bemused: Look at this thread here since it looks like you want to do what I did for myself recently.
  4. X

    Castle farming script

    I made this script a couple of weeks ago and since someone was asking about how to write one in this thread I thought I would post what I did. This script does need zlib.ash and the updated version of EatDrink.ash bounty.ash needed for the bounty hunter section. What is does: * Eats and...
  5. X

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Jamfam is in my clan and I did point him to this thread.
  6. X

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    got this when I ran the simulation for farm.ash Best location is Daily Dungeon with the command line 'maximize item drop;familiar Baby Gravy Fairy;'. Expected value is 1069. The best monster there is Vampire Clam, who is worth 9700 meat. Monster Apathetic Lizardman has 0 drops. Worth is 0...
  7. X

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    Thanks for the continual updates to your excellent scripts. Main question is will I need to add that alias (optional I know) to all of my toons, or just once and mafia will remember it?
  8. X

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    Have you updated FTF and SS as well? You need to do that too.
  9. X

    The script is happily running through adventures right now. The fix worked. thanks slyz.
  10. X

    I am still getting this error even using version 8392 of mafia. As far as I noticed so far this is the only script the fix back in 8382 still breaks. Map modified within foreach (farm.ash, line 165) Any ideas on how to fix it?
  11. X

    Alrighty. I do that then see if I can see anything. Oddly enough I thing I might of fixed it though. I recently added AdBlockPro to FF since some people in my clan said it was mostly fixed. It wasn't and bogged my entire computer down, again. Removed it and rebooted and things are running...
  12. X

    I was wondering how to turn on the logging in mafia on so I can see whats going on. I do use Zarqon's other scripts. I really don't think its those though since ascend.ash on three other characters works just fine.
  13. X

    The last few days (can't say for sure when it started maybe Thursday last week?) there has been roughly a 5 second pause between fights when using farm.ash. The actually fight flies by as usual then the long pause between fights. Other then that the script seems to be running normally. This...
  14. X

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I have updated both canadv.ash and OCW. Both are running happily now. Thanks for all your scripts (I use several) and the quick response. You acquire an item: Order of the Silver Wossname Victory! Veni, vidi, vici and all that stuff.
  15. X

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I think V15 has broken things in other scripts. I went to run farm.ash and got this pretty much immediately: Function 'error( string )' undefined (canadv.ash, line 38) Also in woosname: Function 'error( string )' undefined (Wossname.ash, line 402) I updated up to mafia 8096 and still got the...
  16. X

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    To the best of my knowledge as long as you complete with mafia up (ie through the the relay browser) you can do it manually and not mess up the script.
  17. X

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    I ran ascend today and got this error: Function 'explore_entire_city( )' undefined (Ascend.ash, line 1213) I am running mafia version 7881
  18. X

    MacGuffin 2.0 -- level 11 quest, automated

    If I am reading the first post correctly hiddencity.ash is no longer needed,correct? Just seeing if I can delete it out of my scripts folder.
  19. X

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    I have found that it isn't there until you actually start the war. After seeing this one of my accounts I added ocw_warplan fastest to the all of my Vars_xxx.txt for my multis. Go fig, me helping the borg Queen (clan joke).
  20. X

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Try deleting eatdrink.ash from your scripts folder then extract the version from ascend.ash back into your scripts folder.