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  1. X

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    I am 99% sure I am. It was working yesterday but not today. I'll redownload from the first page and try again tomorrow.
  2. X

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    With the changes Jick did I am getting this error now: Function 'explore_entire_city( )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (Ascend.ash, line 1214) Then the script stops. It doesn't matter what level the character is from what I...
  3. X

    Request: Ballroom leveling script

    Here is what I use which also allows you to choose how many adventure you want to use also. void main(int advs) { if(advs>0) advs=advs-my_adventures(); cli_execute("conditions clear;"); while(my_adventures()+advs>0) { if(item_amount($item[dance card])==0) cli_execute("conditions add dance...
  4. X

    Question to Users

    I am with the rest. Money coming in to help pay for the site and bandwidth good.
  5. X

    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    The fix work in the relay version of the script slyz. Thanks.
  6. X

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    This indeed fixed my issue. Thanks for the help.
  7. X

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    Thanks heeheehee. I changed it now. No idea how that would have been changed in the first place. Especially on all three lines and why it took until the newest fronobulax version of eatdrink to make it error out. I'll try it after rollover and see if that fixed it. Yeap, taking out that extra...
  8. X

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    Got it. Thanks heeheehee. looks nice from the couple of minutes I looked at it.
  9. X

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    I started having the problem when I grabbed fronobulax's newest EatDrink.ash.
  10. X

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    Its possible I accidentally changed something in ascend.ash when I was poking around how to get eatdrink to work in my castle farming script, but it was working until I put in the new version of EatDrink. I'll double check. My line 62 looks exactly like yours. //NOTE: can be richer, if you want...
  11. X

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Got it I think. The is_100_run variable was blank. I set it to false and will check it tomorrow since I manually adventured with the multi this was happening with. This might have been caused by the relay script zlib_manager since I used that to set things up for ocw this run.
  12. X

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    I am getting Function 'eatdrink( int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, float, boolean, int, boolean, int, int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean, int )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts...
  13. X

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    I am have been an odd error lately when using this. Internal checkpoint created. "fastest.txt" loaded (14 steps). Verifying Wossname progress... Current step: 3 Completing step 3 of 14... Mood swing complete. You don't have a Adorable Seal Larva for a familiar. Unable to complete step 3...
  14. X

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    I use miner.ash found here to do this part.
  15. X

    Castle farming script

    Thank you for using it and the compliment on the script. So that you have more adventures to use the next day.
  16. X

    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Attached is the debug log from when I ran the relay version. The plain .txt must of been too big so I had to make into a zip. Hopefully that is what you need. I downloaded the .ash version in the first post and it seems to run fine while I was watching the output in the gCLI.
  17. X

    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Using the new relay version I am still getting an error. Nevermind. Just noticed I didn't check the box for using tatter like items to escape combat. Now that I have the settings right when ever minml gets put on the battle action is still getting set to try to run away. See the code below. I...
  18. X

    Universal Recovery Script

    Then why does this only happen with this one character out of eight that I use?
  19. X

    Universal Recovery Script

    I have a problem with just one of my characters and for the life of me I can not figure out what is going on. UR only wants to restore MP using Galaktik's Fizzy Invigorating Tonic no matter what I have UR or mafia set to do. This started at my last ascension and has continued to the current one...
  20. X

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    From my experience with the mcmuffin (I have also called it that since the quest was first put in) script, if you don't have items in your inventory to do elemental elemental damage mafia has fits keeps on trying and looping. Easily solved by making a CSS for the spectres though.