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    Bug - Not A Bug Item Manager just won't show up

    I was going to try to work on isolating the problem. However, these past two days, I didn't encounter the issue, despite having the svn folder intact. That's good for me but it doesn't help me know what the exact issue was. I guess I'll be able to look into it more if the problem reoccurs, and...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Item Manager just won't show up

    I'm having the same problem. Yesterday, the problem happened with 16908, so I tried 16907 and that worked. It must have been a fluke, though, since today, 16907 had the same problem. I ended up renaming my svn folder to stop it interacting with that, just as a workaround to at least run my day's...
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    Using Witchess Fights

    I encountered that same problem while writing my own witchess automatic (which I've now replaced with that given above). According to the wiki:
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    New Content - Implemented Feb 2016 IotM -- LT&T telegraph office deed

    I just fought some reprehensible cow cultists in a hard telegram. Elemental damage from attacks, combat items, and spells was all reduced to 1. I was, however, able to deal physical damage to it with spells. I don't know if this physical damage was reduced or not.
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    New Content - Implemented Feb 2016 IotM -- LT&T telegraph office deed

    It works. Thanks. The restless ghost's physical resistance, pointed out by ckb isn't implemented yet.
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    New Content - Implemented Feb 2016 IotM -- LT&T telegraph office deed

    Mafia doesn't yet handle the abandoning of the LT&T quest.
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    Bug - Fixed Moomy dust and firemilk fullness

    Moomy dust and firemilk are a spleen item and a booze, respectively, but Mafia think they give fullness:
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    Bug - Fixed Fish missing from error text for edpiece command

    If you say "edpiece foo", Mafia returns "Animal foo not recognised. Valid values are bear, owl, puma, hyena, mouse and weasel." However, "fish" is also a valid value.
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    Very minor issue, but it lists the desired drops from the ninja snowmen in the order "rope, carabiner, crampons", but they instead drop in the fixed order "rope, crampons, carabiner".
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    SmartStasis -- a complex script for a simple CCS

    Would abstraction upgrades be a thing this script should do?
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    Bug - Fixed New Plural

    I also got an unexpected plural today: Unexpected plural of 'one-day ticket to Dinseylandfill' found: one-day tickets to Dinseylandfill
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    The values you give eatdrink aren't the amount of fullness etc. you want to fill, but the limit up to which you want to fill them. So if you want to eat until you hit fullness_limit(), you should call it with fullness_limit(), not fullness_limit()-my_fullness().
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    New Content - Implemented The return of formerly extinct monsters

    Manuel says that 'Zombie Goth Giant' (312) has attack 130, but KoLmafia says it is 0 Manuel says that 'Zombie Goth Giant' (312) has defense 117, but KoLmafia says it is 0 Manuel says that 'Zombie Goth Giant' (312) has HP 150, but KoLmafia says it is 0 Manuel says that 'Zombie Goth Giant' (312)...
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    I'd said I'd check, but I suppose that's redundant now. I do indeed see the clippers in the combat items list in the first post-quest combat (but if I try to use them, it says I don't have any), and that does indeed set questESpClipper in such a way that Guide thinks the quest is active.
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    I'll check that next time that quest comes around.
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    New Content - Implemented August 2015 Item of the Month: airplane charter: That 70's Volcano

    Got this: Unexpected plural of 'gooey lava globs' found: gooey lava globs
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    There seems to be minor issue with the Big Clipper quest in Conspiracy Island. Everything works normally up to the point where it tells me to return to the radio. When I go to the radio and reply, it tells me how to use Weirdeaux's mansion to level. This is still fine. However, when I then...
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    Waste Disposal help needed

    Try this: visit_url("place.php?whichplace=airport_stench&action=airport3_tunnels"); run_choice(6);
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    Universal Recovery Script

    For those people unable to play because of the SVN issue, commenting out line 1804 fixes it.
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    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    I have a lot of skills permed, but even I have trouble with a lot of OCRS fights. I'd just been losing those fights, having entirely forgotten about CLEESH.