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  1. VladYvhuce

    New Content - Implemented 11 Things I Hate About U

    Food panel should also filter out any non-beverage foods that have Us.
  2. VladYvhuce

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I've noticed that Mafia doesn't do well with transitioning out of Ronin, even in non-standard. It also doesn't do well with if you've just freed the king. I typically need to relog after both or ascend to fix this.
  3. VladYvhuce

    New Content Mayam Calendar

    The chair doesn't seem to work in Bad Moon, for what that info's worth.
  4. VladYvhuce

    New Content Mayam Calendar

    Hope this helps. Created debug log after using a stone wool, then did the choice adventure with it on, then turned debug logging off. Note: This is in Bad Moon.
  5. VladYvhuce

    Excavator - gausie's spading script

    Yes. I added a custom daily deed that does this, so when manual is needed, I just hit that.
  6. VladYvhuce

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Ah. I guess I don't have any outfits that fit that category.
  7. VladYvhuce

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    From what I saw on the wiki article on the path, you can't equip outfits as prof, but you can equip the pieces separately. I'm assuming that's something within KOL itself, and not just Mafia. So, mafia would need to be able to equip pieces individually.
  8. VladYvhuce

    Bug I-911 location not seen as being available issues again (still)... Can we track availability and possibly turns remaining from quest tracker?

    Hmm... I'd forgotten about the golem mask stuff. I think I got the familiar back when I was less able to generate turns well in non-standard.
  9. VladYvhuce

    Feature Modifier Maximizer should sort buffs by value for meat (i.e: maximizer score*duration/meat )

    Or maybe just tell mafia/maximizer not to buy stuff at all? I have those turned off, so it only considers things I have, clan VIP stuff, and stuff that I can pull/make/fold.
  10. VladYvhuce

    New Content - Implemented Everfull Dart Holster

    Question from a non-coder: What's a "BALLS macro"?
  11. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed used antique 8-bit magazine, Vanya's map, can manually adventure there, but Mafia says it's inaccessible, so won't automate there.

    Update. Somone in in-game chat let me know that using "refresh all" in the Graphical CLI tab can fix that. I tried it and it does fix it.
  12. VladYvhuce

    Knott Slanding is "banished" in Mafia

    Eagle Screech is the Patriotic Eagle familiar's banish skill. I've noticed that Wham sometimes uses familiar skills when avaible. I had to add those to my WHAMdon'tuse list.
  13. VladYvhuce

    New Content - Implemented spring shoes

    I got the stats last ascension wearing them. This time, I made sure not to wear them, and no stats gained from planting the bean.
  14. VladYvhuce

    New Content - Implemented spring shoes

    Ok. I have now tested this. You do need to have them equipped to get the stat boost.
  15. VladYvhuce

    New Content - Implemented spring shoes

    Could it be done similarly to checking for ml for boss fights or equipments for various zones?
  16. VladYvhuce

    New Content - Implemented spring shoes

    Not sure if anyone's mentioned it, but the shoes react if you're wearing them when you plant the bean to grow the beanstalk. Wiki page has it stated as "Grants 1000 substats, plus 250 substats per each level above 10, when planting an enchanted bean to grow The Beanstalk."
  17. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed used antique 8-bit magazine, Vanya's map, can manually adventure there, but Mafia says it's inaccessible, so won't automate there.

    I bought an antique 8-bit map and use the Vanya's map that comes from that. I have a pixel morning star and transfunctioner equipped, so can manually adventure there. Currently just burning adventures in aftercore, picking up the items from the Chapel area. But, when I tried having mafia burn...
  18. VladYvhuce

    Bug Can't multiuse greasy slider, jar of fermented pickle juice, voodoo snuff, but mafia's organ tracking shows organ space consumed as if they can be.

    Example: Mutiuse 3 greasy sliders, and KOL informs you that you can only use 1 per day. However, mafia will display 15/15 stomach space used instead of only 5.
  19. VladYvhuce

    Kolmafia questions

    No, I don't PVP. When I do a path run, I typically just burn adventures till I'm out of ronin and then pull everything, cause I hate ronin and the restrictions that come with it, and have way more useful stuff than what 20 daily pulls and the additional only 1 of anything per day can handle...