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  1. VladYvhuce

    Github "last commit" naming confusion.

    Yes, most of the people I speak with would say that from February 8, "last Monday" was January 26. Today is Monday, February 10. Saturday the 8th is not "last Saturday" to us. "Last Saturday" is the 1st to us. We just use the day name for past days that haven't yet reached "last" status. If I...
  2. VladYvhuce

    Github "last commit" naming confusion.

    I'm unsure if this is a regional difference of some sort, or just something a bit wonky with how whatever it is that determines how the naming shows up on the "last commit" tab in the Github info box on top of the forums. If it were a Wednesday and the last update had been on that week's Monday...
  3. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Not A Bug server returned response: code 500 during fight in one of the new cyber zones.

    Like I said, I chose New Content, because I didn't know if it counted as a bug.
  4. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Not A Bug server returned response: code 500 during fight in one of the new cyber zones.

    Not sure what prefex to stick on this one, so just went with New Content, since it involves the new zones. [12349] Rat Electro-Realty Preference lastEncounter changed from ICE man to parental controls Encounter: parental controls Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20250105081354...
  5. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed Hitting some item acquisition bugs on r28221

    Visiting Hermit... Visiting the Hermit... You acquire 11-leaf clover (3) Preference _cloversPurchased changed from 0 to 3 on r28228 Not ascending soon, so can't test for quartermaster.
  6. VladYvhuce

    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    When visiting the crimbo factory manually, this shows up in the graphical CLI. -------------------- Crimbo Factory unknown lucky moai statuette Spirit of Easter (50) ROW1538 -------------------- -------------------- Crimbo Factory unknown egg gun Spirit of Easter (200) ROW1537...
  7. VladYvhuce

    Feature Familiar Tags

    "Worth"/"worth it" is always subjective. As someone who has a lot of familiars, being able to better sort them by tags would be helpful. But I'm not very technically-minded, so I wouldn't be able to tackle such a task. I could do what research I'm able to and report that. But whether or not that...
  8. VladYvhuce

    Character Info Toolbox

  9. VladYvhuce

    Character Info Toolbox

    Is there a way to get "chit.familiar.iconize-weirdos" to work with the melodramadory? It doesn't seem to be working with it, so the familiar keeps getting longer and messing up the character pane.
  10. VladYvhuce

    New Content Quantum of Familiar does something now.

    Using one Quantum of Familiar gives you a hatching. Using up to 12 more upgrades how much xp the xp drop item gives. This forum post has spading on the basic mechanics. So, if you use more than 13 total QOFs, you'll get a new stat display on your profile, indicating how many. Example: if you had...
  11. VladYvhuce

    Feature - Implemented Suggestion: -fold option for maximizer

    Uh... that's not working. It's still wanting to change the parka to something else that will have no effect on clownosity.
  12. VladYvhuce

    Feature - Implemented Suggestion: -fold option for maximizer

    Does that stop the maximizer from suggesting that you fold already equipped foldables? It'll be quite a while before I'm able to test the scenario again.
  13. VladYvhuce

    Feature - Implemented Suggestion: -fold option for maximizer

    It seems as if Maximizer has a hard time with the concept of "foldable" equipments, if none of their modes fit what you're trying to maximize for. I recently did a couple of zombie slayer runs to help my clan with the materials for the photo booth, and found that it was making a lot of weird...
  14. VladYvhuce

    Bug IO Exception almost daily on manual adventuring.

    This time it happened while equipping a familiar with equipment in the terrarium. Did the log command as instructed. One after logging in, the second immediately after the adventure pane not displaying.
  15. VladYvhuce

    Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?

    According to the wiki, the list of bodyguards is limited to wishable monsters, and the list of wishable monsters is limited to copyable monsters.
  16. VladYvhuce

    Bug IO Exception almost daily on manual adventuring.

    Ah. Ok. I'll give it a shot. Was putting of till I made sure I understood what you were asking for.
  17. VladYvhuce

    Bug IO Exception almost daily on manual adventuring.

    Can you explain a bit more clearly? Do you want me to try logging from the beginning until it occurs and hoping the log isn't too big? Or just turn it on and off? Or on, then do something then off?
  18. VladYvhuce

    Bug IO Exception almost daily on manual adventuring.

    This one happened mid-fight. Again, manual adventuring. This is the graphical CLI log. The fight results never showed up in the relay browser.
  19. VladYvhuce

    Bug IO Exception almost daily on manual adventuring.

    This is one I have no idea how to trigger, and since I don't know how to read debug logs, may not be able to capture with a log that is not too big to post to the forums. But, it seems like it happens at some point any day that I happen to do a bunch of manual adventuring. In the browser, it...