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  1. R

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    Yeah don't I know it. Anyway I am sorry, I guess I sensed hostility where there was none.
  2. R

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    You are right, I guess I am just frustrated. BUT! The new WOSSMAN is super useful. Thanks Zarqon!
  3. R

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I may not be a developer or one of the top scripters here, but I'm a contributing member of this community and I think I have the right not to be pummeled with degrading, unhelpful, and sardonic comments such as this one. I think the developers, who are supposed to be the leaders of the...
  4. R

    Bug - Not A Bug Modifier maximizer seems to be misbehaving

    Apparently I had. Clearing the property fixed the issue. Thanks!
  5. R

    Bug - Not A Bug Modifier maximizer seems to be misbehaving

    Ah. But that still does not explain why it is putting on a suboptimal outfit.
  6. R

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    That's fine but nobody told me that, all I got was a very insulting post from the main developer. I apologized already, and stated that I didn't realize that the word "annoying" apparently strikes a nerve with people here. But I don't think it warranted the response it got, or continues to get...
  7. R

    Bug - Not A Bug Modifier maximizer seems to be misbehaving

    I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong or how to get debug logs for the modifier maximizer, but here's my problem. When I type maximize +item -tie into the CLI, it equips the following: Hat: warbear dress helmet Back:  Camp Scout backpack Shirt: Grateful Undead T-shirt Weapon...
  8. R

    Stop cooking/cocktailcrafting after chef or bartender explodes?

    I could have sworn mafia has this feature, but I can't seem to find it. If I type "create 10 hot and sour sauce" in the CLI, and the chef-in-the-box explodes, it keeps making stuff anyway, using up my adventures. I think it might be that the "You are about to spend adventures crafting" dialog...
  9. R

    Character Info Toolbox

    Hey, I can't seem to find the guide on how to set up all of those zlib variables. Is it hidden somewhere? Any chance of a link to it on the first post? Thanks!
  10. R

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    As I already said, I was on my way out the door. And, for the record, I have never seen people be so thin-skinned about a bug report that isn't even about their own work - not just here, but in my entire professional career. So no, I didn't expect any response at all, it was a quick two-word...
  11. R

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I have changed the offending text and apologize to zarqon if it would have sounded insulting. I still believe Veracity's response to be unwarranted. EDIT: I personally would not have been offended if someone had posted such a bug on any of my scripts. I do not think zarqon would have thought so...
  12. R

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    Sorry, that was a bit of a vent. But I still don't know what is wrong with my original post. Like I said, maybe "annoying" wasn't the right word. But I just don't see how anyone could find it insulting. And Veracity did not provide examples.
  13. R

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    Well I just don't understand that. I have seen the warning for days and just wanted to notify zarqon. So I quickly copied and pasted the warbing, knowing that he knew how to fix it. I was in a hurry and leaving my house so I just typed a few words. I don't see how anyone could interpret a...
  14. R

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    This is rich coming from someone who goes on a tirade about one word in a short bug report. Yeah, "annoying" wasn't really the right word, but I am only trying to put a bug on record. I don't have permissions to zarqon's SVN or I would fix it myself. I'm sorry I didn't use flowery enough...
  15. R

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    The recent update to KoLmafia has created an easily-fixed bug: Changing "tavern cellar" to "The Typical Tavern Cellar" would get rid of this message (zlib.ash, line 648)
  16. R

    buttonFrenzy - Betterized stores

    Love the script so far, but it seems to omit "(1/day)" limitations in the mall.
  17. R

    How do I switch the modifier maximizer to only do one round? It is super slow now.
  18. R

    Relay Task List (Programmable!)

    Thanks for pointing that out. Somehow the update got botched; I think I copied from my SVN folder to my Mafia folder instead of the other way around. svn update should fix it. I think this has to do with the way task groups are imported. Give me a day or two and it should be fixed. Sorry that...
  19. R

    Relay Task List (Programmable!)

    If you want to hide a default task, you should "uncheck" it. It will stay disabled when updates are pushed. If you just delete it, it will reappear when new updates show up.
  20. R

    Relay Task List (Programmable!)

    Apparently $strings[] didn't work as I thought. This has been fixed.