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  1. L

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    it picked *a* skill I would have picked early on (overclocked). but I usually go for Source Kick/Siphon for the early game, followed by Big Guns.
  2. L

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    It automatically tried to learn source skills while I only started with 4. I thought it would wait until 11+?
  3. L

    Nemesis quest script

    So for some reason, this script (with the updates from ckb) gets confused on the Halloweiner adventures, even though I have a perfectly fine default programmed in on the "Choice Adventures" tab. It still stalls on those adventures, seemingly in an endless loop when it encounters them. Is there...
  4. L

    New Content - Implemented The Source

    May 24 - Source Agents now get less difficult if you run away from or are defeated by them. Runs-away also always work against them. Once we figure out how this is tracked (if it just decrements the 'defeated' number in the equation by 1 by each runaway/defeat...), perhaps it should be taken...
  5. L

    New Content - Implemented The Source

    Didn't work on the end boss :( Not sure if it's supposed to.
  6. L

    Bug - Fixed Copperhead Quest Preferences Not Updating from "Completed Quests"

    If it helps, here's the html for those things: <b>Of Mice and Shen</b><br> You retrieved half of the Talisman o' Namsilat from Shen Copperhead. Nice!<p><b>Merry-Go-Ron</b><br> You recovered half of the Talisman o' Namsilat from Ron Copperhead. Brilliant!<p>
  7. L

    Bug - Fixed Copperhead Quest Preferences Not Updating from "Completed Quests"

    So, I'm told in chat that Mafia is supposed to update quest status based on what's in the quest log. Specifically, completed quests. but I have the exact completed quest text for the two halves of the Copperhead quest in my completed log: Of Mice and Shen You retrieved half of the Talisman...
  8. L

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    Now, maybe I broke something. But right now I'm a myst class whose muscle is 100, and I'm fighting enemies whose defense is 200. And wham is deciding to attack with my weapon when my MP is full? How do I tell it that it is doing something unwise?
  9. L

    Scripts on SVN

    In this particular case what with google code dying a swift death, anyone who runs 'svn update' will find that it's gone and will likely check the post, I guess?
  10. L

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    It used to work fine on its own. Now I can make it work by running it as administrator. Obviously something happened in my environment
  11. L

    OCD Inventory control

    I disagree. Though I see where you're coming from. append an asterisk and add a footnote at the bottom?
  12. L

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    For some reason that began crapping out on me today: --------------- 5/18/2016 12:00:47 PM Checking for the latest version of KoLMafia... An error occurred while downloading data from Exception Message: Unable to connect to the remote server...
  13. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Maybe turn the price red if it's in the mall at min price?
  14. L

    New Content - Implemented The Source

    Minor request: Filter the skill-drop-down in fights with Agents to only show Source skills?
  15. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Some (hopefully) small features that I'd like to see: 1. A 'current inventory' tab, so I can review my settings for what I have on hand. 2. Something that'd indicate if the mall price that you show is actually the mall minimum. (By which I mean minimum possible price, not minimum in the mall).
  16. L

    New Content - Implemented The Source

    Darzil says above that we should set food/booze/spleen to zero stats. But good to reinforce this.
  17. L

    charsheet.php - Group Skills by Character Class

    Since I'm no good at updating scripts (but I'm getting better at it) - this needs a category for the Source skills.
  18. L

    New Content - Implemented The Source

    Ah right. Suggestions from kol chat: *Agent-wanderer counter *Spoon quest adventure counter
  19. L

    Skill/CS planner

    Just tried fixing it. Working for me. I hope it doesn't wind up causing any other problems down the road.