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  1. L

    OCD Inventory control

    You said it would never take anything out of my closet. Since I had 2 replica batoomerangs (And wanted to keep 1 and display any others that I happened to have around). At current behaviour, it wouldn't display either the one in my closet, or in my inventory. I'm assuming the one in inventory...
  2. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Alrighty, now that I've solved that problem now it's acting in a strange way. I have Wet Stew set up to mall all (keep is set to 0), but it continually closets the one I have.
  3. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Okay... so in order to get it working the way I hope it will, I've got to empty my closet before running the script. Got it.
  4. L

    OCD Inventory control

    For some reason, running OCD Inventory Control.ash, in the GCLI it starts with: autoSatisfyWithCloset => false and ends with: autoSatisfyWithCloset => true --- This MIGHT be why it's ignoring the contents of my closet?
  5. L

    OCD Inventory control

    I have no idea how to check this. I did try "refresh all" a few times. I can test it in a few days, when I'm out of my run.
  6. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Here's the circumstances: [8829]replica bat-oomerang DISP 1 Now in theory this should KEEP one bat-oomerang in my inventory and display any others. But it left the one that was gifted to me today (and was subsequently put in hangk's, and when hangk's was emptied, was put in the closet)...
  7. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Maybe I'm expecting wrong things out of the OCD Inventory Control script, but it doesn't seem to check my closet even though I don't have "never" checked on "empty closet first." Isn't it supposed to go through all inventory, even the closet?
  8. L

    Skill/CS planner

    So I've added the gallons of milk trophy. and the new Software Bug familiar. Remember I'm not updating the pastebin, I'm just updating this: svn checkout
  9. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Looks like exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
  10. L

    OCD Inventory control

    still hoping for a way to filter for 'items on hand'
  11. L

    OCD Inventory control

    I think that's a function of mafia's mallprice, which often returns the fifth-cheapest price from the mall, or something like that. (Someone, please correct me if I'm recalling this incorrectly)
  12. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Any hopes in developing that "stuff on hand" tab? I've been away at a convention for the weekend, and I see that I'm probably the only person requesting such a thing.
  13. L

    OCD Inventory control

    This. Yes. Thank you! (And sorry for the nit-pick about npc stores. I'm a little OCD.)
  14. L

    OCD Inventory control

    I honestly like it as is. But it seems to miss a few items that it checks off of npc stores. (like spray paint, springs, and sprockets).
  15. L

    New Content - Implemented The Source

    OOooh. Undocumented benefits! Yay!
  16. L

    New Content - Implemented The Source

    Hm. i use chit. What does it do for this?
  17. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Understood. I hoped bumping it up might serve as a useful reminder. Thanks for the script, and for all that you do. Also, it looks like your second 'very' is at mall minimum. Might as well autosell it.
  18. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Did we ever decide how to mark things that are in the mall for mall minimum? Or adding a tab for "things on hand"?
  19. L

    New Content - Implemented The Source

    There one thing I'd like to see. If KoL won't do this: I'd love to see a link from the Oracle directly to the spookyraven phone (if we have enlightenment to spend). And a link BACK to the Oracle at the phone after we spend our Enlightenment.
  20. L

    New Content - Implemented Mafia doesn't update quantity after using KoL's "smash all barrels" button

    Session Results Ignore "Smash All" Barrels I've used "smash all" to smash all my barrels, but Mafia still believes I have 8 normal barrels, 5 weathered barrels, 2 dusty barrels, and 6 rotting barrels. I don't have any.