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  1. L

    New Content - Implemented Nuclear Autumn

    Not sure if this matters, but when I'm a Seal Clubber in this path, Mafia reports my Fury as being 0/5, and when I'm a Sauceror it reports my Soulsauce as 0/100. I haven't been a DB yet, but I suspect it'll be the same for Momentum. Since you can't get the skills which grant these resources...
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    SmartStasis -- a complex script for a simple CCS

    I know how to do those in the 'Adventure' window, but I'm not sure how to do this in WHAM and/or SmartStasis.
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    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    Okay, I've brought my question over to the SmartStasis thread. Thanks!
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    SmartStasis -- a complex script for a simple CCS

    how does one set 'goals' in either BatBrain or SmartStasis? I'm trying to get my WHAM to automatically upgrade abstractions.
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    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    is there a variable in WHAM that I can switch to make sure that it uses the proper abstraction against monsters in the DMT?
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Thanks! Same thing seems to be happening for me with EVERY script that has check_version.
  7. L

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    > call scripts\EatDrink.ash Checking for updates (running EatDrink ver. 3.2)... It's hanging on this. Not continuing on to actually consume. How do I make it NOT hang? (an svn update tells me it's at HEAD, so what the heck is it checking for?)
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    Character Info Toolbox

    For some reason today (with r17180) whenever I open up the relay browser I get an error: "CHIT: Error parsing start of charpane" and also I get kicked back to the login screen. Apparently this logs me out of the kingdom, too. This didn't happen last night. Is this happening to anyone else...
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    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    That'd be good for me. I have a similar line in my login.ash (since I never start a new life on the start of a season). But I'm probably not the only person who this affects.
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    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    Probably because of the recent change in moving the stone to the arena, but newLife_SmashHippyStone= true isn't smashing hippy stones anymore.
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    Feature - Implemented Please inform which script in "svn update" gives error.

    I run svn update. It goes through my entire list of installed scripts. At certain points, this occurs: svn: E175002: connection refused by the server But nowhere does Mafia bother to tell me which script it was trying to update when this error kicks off. Request: Please have Mafia give...
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    That's what was happening! I guess it was a different script after all.
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    I had a computer crash and had to recover my prefs file- which led to the loss of Mafia's memory of my last semi-rare. Fishbot stalled out as soon as I hit my SR number and then I manually got a semi-rare. But I seem to recall fishbot actually getting a semi-rare every time it hit the number...
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    OCD Inventory control

    Sure, but that doesn't fix the bug. It just bypasses it.
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    OCD Inventory control

    You cannot transform a Sneaky Pete's key into a Sneaky Pete. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability. I think I remember posting about this problem maybe a year or so ago. I want to create a Sneaky Pete's key lime pie, but when I type in that I want to create a Sneaky...
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    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Batman_RE seems to think that attacking with one's weapon will actually DO some damage to Source Agents. Also, I keep getting beat up because WHAM tries to attack source agents with my weapon. I'm assuming this can be traced back to Batbrain?
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    BatMan Relay -- more info, less clicking

    So.. um, it looks like un/reinstalling didn't fix the "multiple matches" problem. They seem to only appear after SOME combats. I suspect it might be zone specfiic? I'll see if I can puzzle out a pattern (difficult because these errors only appear in the gcli and don't appear in the logs).
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    BatMan Relay -- more info, less clicking

    I'm assuming the Witchess Helper should show up here? (this is after the re-install, where the error messages aren't appearing) Edit: Okay, I just found it. Apparently if I use the 'script' button on the top of the screen, where it looks like a twinkly watch, the...
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    BatMan Relay -- more info, less clicking

    Un-installed, then re-installed. And I still do not see the Witchess helper. But the errors disappeared. Of course, un-installing and re-installing had me lose the changes to fight.ash that were necessary to keep multicab...
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    BatMan Relay -- more info, less clicking

    So I discovered strange errors after combat in my gCLI. Here's what they say: the degrassi knoll bakery the degrassi knoll garage the degrassi knoll gym the degrassi knoll restroom Multiple matches against Degrassi Knoll. the degrassi knoll bakery the degrassi knoll garage the...