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  1. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    Woops, thanks for pointing that out. I think it's not counting the cost of summoning the demon either. I'll fix those issues and upload a new copy. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, I'm glad you like the script.
  2. T

    Any script requests?

    Here's what I've got so far, in case I'm busy for a little while at least this code will be out there. This gets the price list from the xml file into a usable format: record buff_data { string name; int skill_id; int price; int turns; boolean philanthropic; }; buff_data...
  3. T

    Well, has nobody thought of this yet???

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought Mafia did this for you already?
  4. T

    Any script requests?

    I like that idea, I did something similar to it for my farming script (though I hard-coded the prices because it was a lot simpler that way.) The main thing I would have to do is adapt it to read the xml files, which of course is the tough part... Does anyone have any idea how to parse an xml...
  5. T

    The Neo-Cow Farming Script

    I ran it today and it worked without too much tweaking, couple things I found though: I noticed that you converted farming script and the bountyhunting script to use zlib, is there a reason you didn't convert the puttyfarming one as well? I also saw that you hardcoded the value of adventure...
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    The Neo-Cow Farming Script

    Awesome, glad to see you've got all your tweaks working now. I'll have to try it out and see how it compares to my original version.
  7. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    That sounds reasonable to me. As long as you give me credit for the original script, I don't mind if you make your own version. Especially if you put a lot of work into it. (I love the name by the way ;)) Glad to hear you added zlib support too. I wish I had known about it when I wrote the...
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    script of eXtreme farming

    That sounds like a nice list of improvements. Just a couple things to consider if you haven't already: - I would make sure that they're not using their putty for puttyfarming before you go ahead and use it for bountyhunting. I think people would be mad if it got rid of their rockmonster or...
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    Would it be possible to go to the php page for managing your store and parse it to get the item names? or does mafia block you from doing that?
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  11. T

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Hmm I was having some issues with getting this to work. (And sorry if you already know about this. I didn't want to look through all 16 pages to see if it's been reported) I downloaded the ascend.ash script and ran the eatdrink.ash so it would make all the variables and i could tweak them...
  12. T

    Yeah, mine just automates the process. It lets you set where you want to farm and a lot of the details, but it can't make those decisions itself. Your script is unique because it tries to find what will make you the most meat at this exact moment whereas my script (and other similar ones) really...
  13. T

    Wow sounds awesome, that must've been a lot of work. I can't wait to try it and compare it to my farming script. I'll also be interested to see how it works out in the long run. It might just sink the item prices until it has to castlefarm all the time.
  14. T

    Any script requests?

    Wow, I had no idea you could do that. I usually like to keep my scripts all in ASH if possible, but that's still good to know
  15. T

    Any script requests?

    Well this may not be the prettiest solution... But you can execute cli commands from ash using cli_execute() So if you don't want to take the time to convert all of those to ash functions, you can wrap each line in a cli_execute(), like this: cli_execute("closet put * meat")...
  16. T

    Any script requests?

    That sounds like it might be fun to write, but I'll probably have to wait until I have a little more free time
  17. T

    Any script requests?

    I don't know if I actually have access to that for my clan... Well I can see if I can get it
  18. T

    Equip all familiars Script please?

    Not necessarily, if you make a script that uses mafia's familiars.txt file it should work for all the new familiars, as long as you keep mafia up to date.
  19. T

    Any script requests?

    @sputnik I did something like that in my farming script except I just printed it to the screen, not to a file. I did pretty much exactly what halfvoid was describing. Is that what you wanted or did you mean you want something that would tell you how much meat you're gaining by using certain...