Search results

  1. G

    Chat highlighting

    I could add the same thing for highlighting, but I really don't want to subvert that preference (chatBeep) and making a new preference for this purpose seems niche. I imagine even fewer people would use it than use chatBeep.
  2. G

    Chat highlighting

    Good lord! Are you serious? An alert window every time highlighted text appears would be (probably) undesirable for a number of people.
  3. G

    Bug - Fixed Possibly Crimbo related? IcePenguin express "unexpected Error" and fails

    Actually, it wouldn't be particularly. It will say the following: Any mail in your inbox received after Mr. Mination's will load fine. Mr. Mination has no character link, and therefore breaks our mail loading (he is formatted differently). I've been aware of this for a couple of days, but...
  4. G

    Bug - Not A Bug you know what, nevermind. Mall search: how does it work?

    Strictly speaking, this is a feature request. You hit search, mafia checks tries to work out what you meant. It MAY fuzzy match the item (it will if it can). It will then search for the fuzzy match. That is what it *should* do, according to the code. You have an interesting point though. What...
  5. G

    Feature - Rejected mall shopping enhancement - search by store instead of item

    Chat is pretty customizable in mafia. Simply select at the top what you want to happen on a click, and then click away! If you know the name of the player, it is fairly simple to navigate to their store via chat. A /whois and then clicking their name will do it, regardless of them being online...
  6. G

    Feature - Implemented chat_hobopolis()

    Only clan, hobopolis and slimetube are allowed. r8827
  7. G

    Feature - Implemented chat_hobopolis()

    Cool. I have just thrown together a version of chat_clan that will enable two arguments (single arguments default to clan). Format will be: chat_clan( String message ) // Same as before chat_clan( String channel, String message ) Let me test it and I will get back to you.
  8. G

    Feature - Implemented chat_hobopolis()

    May I ask why? I'm happy to add this, but am curious as to its use. I can see you mention status updates... what sort of update?
  9. G

    Bug - Fixed Inventory bug

    Also on 8826 (with 52 salts in inventory): I'm not able to reproduce this. Could you give more info? How many salts did you have, for example? I tried this with both 12 in inventory and more and couldn't get your result in either instance. Anything else you can think of that might be relevant?
  10. G

    Ok I am stumped

    Well, it seems that my opinion is rather out of date on this forum, and that's fine -- I can live with it. Really, I don't mean to be a dick about this, and I can understand an individual wanting to automate this content. The point is that people who put the effort in will be able to discover...
  11. G

    Crimbo 2010

    a) That's a crazy way of looking at it. Engage with what's said, please. b) The only example of mafia supporting crimbo as far as I'm aware is last year, and StDoodle has already explained why that's a special case. c) Even if it is exactly an even split, why should you then have the casting...
  12. G

    Crimbo 2010

    Why not discuss it here so it is kept in one place? Your script allows the content to be fully automated. If you concede that opinion is usually split down the middle, releasing this script fairly conclusively declares opposition opinion to be worthless. The existence of clan VIP content in the...
  13. G

    Crimbo 2010

  14. G

    Ok I am stumped

    I made no assumptions as to whether you will or will not use the information to abuse automation. That is not the point. I'm sure you can appreciate why asking for this information on a public forum may not be the best way to go about things. You may have the best intentions, but others won't...
  15. G

    Ok I am stumped

    I'm going to assume this is a request for information on how to add the crimbo content to mafia. Don't ask - we're not going to tell you.
  16. G


    Pantsless. The following is quoted from a kmail from Multi Czar about my script suite intended to fully automate hamster runs: This is why I pulled the script. Developers being sad was not my intention and I didn't want to produce something they wouldn't be happy with. The caveat on runs (to...
  17. G


    I pulled a more comprehensive hobopolis script suite. As far as I'm aware, cagebots will probably be tolerated. Ultimately cage sitting doesn't really add to the collective experience of hobopolis and would therefore not really run counter to their intentions.
  18. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    You might want to consider CCS handling. You could use about the same method as you did for mood. By the way, to change mood (and CCS) using ASH and not cli_execute, simply remember that changes such as that via the cli are usually shorthand for changes to preferences. Therefore: set_property(...
  19. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    Wouldn't 1 * amount be better expressed as amount ? @me259259: You might want to consider setting the non-combat adventures to the desired option (just to make sure they always get set correctly). If you are interested, the choice adventures numbers are (I think) 197, 198 and 199. Eg...
  20. G

    Building from the SVN?

    SVN can be troublesome to install the first time if you aren't used to it. Personally, I blame the lack of good, clear online guides -- too much info is available for server installations without clearly differentiating. The advice above is all correct and sound, but I don't know your level of...